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Hoseok gulped a large mouthful of the Sake . Jungkook looked at him and moved the food on his plate around .

' We didn't come here for silence did we ? ' Hoseok said eyes darker than usual . He had low tolerance so he always preferred something light , but liked the full bodied feel in his mouth - but right now he was washing down the food with it .

Maybe even overdoing it a bit . Jungkook sighed . ' So I got this from a woman I told you right ? '

' You've been repeating this half assed information since the first time I knew , I thought you could trust me with anything I feel really hurt that you kept this  from me .

It's something so trivial yet you could not tell me . I had a feeling when you didn't come home at night and stayed at your friend's.

Also remember that time I called you in the evening just to check up - I heard you shushing the person. ' Hoseok rambled for a while and then his words slurred as his head rolled onto the table like a ball . Jungkook held him by the shoulder comforting him physically with soft caresses on his back .

' I hate this world it's filled with liars ' Hoseok said mushing his cheek with the table looking at Jungkook like a school boy waiting for class to end.

' I meant to explain that the lipstick isn't borrowed or anything I just got it for the shade . ' Jungkook admitted . Hoseok closed his eyes pretending to sleep

' Are you okay , do you want to go home hyung ? '

' No continue , what kind of shade ? You started wearing lipstick on yourself- I mean I saw you get some balms but straight up that- ' Jungkook pressed a hand on his mouth .

' I didn't start wearing lipstick , but yeah I do use something for my lips but that's normal , don't judge people for using lipsticks ' Jungkook said and tugged the hair behind Hoseok's ear as Hoseok proceeded to lift his head and take another drink from the vessel ,  Jungkook held his hand and took a deep breath feeling sick of this .

' You know I think you still aren't telling me the whole thing - ' Hoseok narrowed his eyes

' Stop already. Now about you , tell me about why you're so uneasy going for work . '

' Me ? ' Hoseok said and closed his eyes pretending to sleep again . ' Yeah you , I know you can hear me . ' Jungkook said drawing circles on the back of his hand . he still loosely held Hoseok's hand , just in case .

' I don't know how to word this but ' Hoseok paused .

' You know there's this sub advisor you work with '

' Yeah Taehyung, that is his name '

' I know too , I know much before you did but that's not the point . Point is , he is kind of all consuming and wants everything under his thumb , I find him trying to win everyone over and it makes me even more- ' Hoseok cut himself off leaning his head back on the corner of the wall .

' Even more ? ' Jungkook asked curious now ' anxious. yeah that's the word ' Hoseok spoke up , Jungkook couldn't help asking ' did he do something to you ? '

' not really but he's always trying to get me free from schedule and then we go for coffee. But whenever I think of that plan , I remember how he stares and burns holes on my face it's almost alarming how whenever I'm alone he , he he- ' Hoseok said looking at something and trailing off .

' what !? what happened ' Jungkook almost got nerves listening to Hoseok , whenever he was  'alone' . Whatever that meant , it felt stalkerish , kidnapping procedure , theft or anything that reeked antisocial .

Then jungkook looked at what Hoseok was looking at , Taehyung and a woman. The woman made Jungkook lose color of his face and Taehyung made Hoseok break a sweat.

' He finds a way to get to me ' ' I know I can defend myself , I'm not that weak but his intentions aren't entirely clear to me ' Hoseok whispered after picking up the menu and covering himself .

Jungkook followed the same way , covering himself.

They had no idea , Taehyung was seated on the table right behind them. Head pressed onto the separation wall. They were just leaving , being here the whole time and let's just say ,

Hoseok wasn't really discreet when drunk.

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