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Jimin looked at Taehyung. He looked like a high-school student with a crush. He'd get lost daydreaming , smiling at himself. It was getting suspicious.

So he invited his friend for a drink. Taehyung was a lightweight who would spill everything once drunk.

He started doing tricks with the bottle , occasionally turning it around in his hands.

' you wont drink it? ' Jimin asks him trying not to seem eager . ' I will ' he said trying to balance it on one finger.

' I'm drinking up , first one to finish ten glasses wins ' Jimin took a shot at competition . It'll make him drunk easily.

Within five glasses Taehyung was hiccuping and his face red. Jimin was concerned , ' I don't think you should drink anymore '

He giggled uncontrollably covering his mouth. Taehyung was drunk as fuck. ' yah I am only halfway '

' oh , are you dating someone , someone you really like? tell me ' Jimin tried to get him to say .

' me? not at all ' he smiled like he had candy-rush . It'll take more to make him say anything. ' are you sure? you look like you've got someone in your mind. '

' not sure who , maybe ' Taehyung gave a shruggie. Jimin was dumbfounded. ' what do you mean with maybe , is it someone I know? '

' you might . I'm not sure , its a first time thing ' Taehyung gave a sly smile , Jimin gave him a bombastic side eye.

' first time in the sense? First time you're liking this person or first time I know this person? First time you're liking someone like this ? ' Jimin sent in many questions and even Taehyung got baffled

' eh Jimin wait , give me a second to breathe 'Taehyung sloshed the drink around in his 7th cup. He was drowsy

' fine , but tell me already ' Jimin squeezed his hand hoping Taehyung doesn't go out yet. ' first time- liking someone like this. ' Taehyung says and looks away as if charged guilty .

Jimin was shocked for a second. He had several questions but he would wait for more clues , he knows Taehyung likes to take his time for revealing things.

Taehyung doesn't know for sure himself. But somewhere subconsciously he's realising the stored frustration and anger was something he had mistaken.

' Tae , if it's someone that you really like , you should try to express it more , don't show it fully yet ' Jimin tried to make Taehyung comfortable over liking someone. Its been many years since he last liked someone.

' Hmm. Jimin , I'm so confused . ' With that Taehyung stretched his arms up and a yawn threatened. He covered his face as he gave the biggest yawn ever.

Jimin helped him to his feet. He'd walk and go home with his friend leaving him at the door . In minutes he'd be out like a candle.

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