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proof-read before publishing , enjoy.


" Oh god! What happened now? "

Jimin had to shush himself purposely, and he was at work, too.

" I thought they would bond over sharing beds. It's even more awkward now."

Jungkook slapped a hand over his face. His call with Yoongi before this - was much less stressful.

" awkward? Like shy awkward or stupid awkward? "

Jimin raised an eyebrow as if Jungkook could see him through the phone.

" I don't understand. Please help Jimin-shii ."

Jungkook physically collapsed on the chair.

"Jeongguk-shi, I can't understand anything from here. "

"Taehyung-Hyung is acting weird now. They are playing a game of chase. Ever since they shared the bed in the morning, Taehyung acted entirely differently. He was averting eyes even from me! I don't know about Hoseok Hyung, and he is always acting shy and awkward. Now they are both stupid awkward."

Hearing Jungkook's whole ramble, Jimin can't help but crack up.

"Why are you laughing??"

Jungkook asks, confused.

"Because you are taking this so seriously. I know they will work it out themselves. I want something to happen that will help them. "

Jimin knew if Taehyung acted shy, something must have happened between them.

But he wasn't sure, so he didn't disclose it to Jungkook.

" You don't need to think so hard anymore. Just let things happen the way they are."

Jimin says, and Jungkook opens his mouth to reply but stops just at the right moment as Taehyung comes in after opening the door.

" I'll call you later . "

jungkook cuts the call fast. The sound of the door closing and Taehyung walking inside interrupts him. But Taehyung doesn't greet him like usual and goes away, taking something silently.

"Oh shit. What if Hoseok Hyung tells everyone what happened. I never meant to knee him. ugh, what a cruel fate I have. I can never look at them the same. "Taehyung thinks with a side-eyed glance at Jungkook.

He goes to the meeting room, swinging the flash drive he uses at work trying to appear relaxed.

Hoseok is there, and as usual, he doesn't seem moved by Taehyung coming back. But Taehyung is shaken up inside. His embarrassment is too much to handle for him. He keeps giving embarrassed looks at Hoseok and stops when everyone starts noticing.

Hoseok notices, too. And the way Taehyung acts has him concerned, too. Taehyung is always open to him, never hesitating to talk and greet. But today, it was the opposite.

The manager announces abruptly,

" Let us go out tonight . Cheers to working together!".

It has the others cheering. Hoseok's eyes immediately go to Taehyung. The last time they went out like this, it didn't end well.

" Sorry, sir, I can't go today", Hoseok speaks up. He hasn't dared to say anything like this in years.

" I can't go either" Taehyung puts up his hand. Their eyes meet briefly as Hoseok looks away. He is pretty surprised that Taehyung renounced such an invitation.

" Why not? There's nothing better to do?" the manager was perfect, but everyone could see how strict and evil he was when work wasn't quality.

" I don't like to drink", Hoseok replies.

Taehyung has to say a reason, but he keeps quiet.

" No drinks today, only dance party, haha"

The manager doesn't seem to take a no. But Hoseok still wanted to try and stand his ground, but the word dance weakened him.

Taehyung tries to give an excuse that he can't dance, but Hoseok has him dumbfounded with the next thing he says," Fine, sir, I'll go ".

"OK, so everyone at the main hall at 9".
Taehyung gives up trying to say no.

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