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TW// cussing, getting lost, spiking/messing with someone's drink, implied kidnapping, talk of deceased family and friends
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy unpacked his bags in his new apartment. He had just moved in the day before, and had fell asleep before putting his things away.

As he put some socks into a drawer, his stomach growled at him. He hadn't ate since yesterday morning.

He exhaled, scanning the room for his phone, seeing it on his bed. He walked over and picked it up, seeing that it was only on six percent battery. He had fell asleep with his earbuds in playing music last night, which drained the battery, and forgot to plug it in when he awoke.

He figured, 'oh, well, I can live without it if I have to', and he stuffed it into his pocket, grabbed his off brand AirPods, and left the small, three-roomed apartment. It was tiny. One bedroom, one bathroom, and the sitting room and kitchen were basically the same room.

Tommy walked down the streets, searching for some fast food place he could go to, but there wasn't much of anything. It was mainly shops.

He eventually found a pizza parlor and went inside, as if pizza wasn't the only thing he had been living on for the past two weeks. The parlor was decorated nicely. Black and red checkered floors and checkered tiles going about half way up the wall until they stopped at a line of just red tiles, then transitioning into black walls, if that makes sense.

There was only three other people in the parlor, one being a worker.

Tommy walked up to the counter, and was greeted by the employee.

"Welcome, what would you like?" He asked. "What's good?" Tommy asked. The worker shrugged. "Pizza, I suppose?" This made Tommy chuckle. "Can I just get the one big slice of cheese pizza?" Tommy asked. The employee nodded, and Tommy paid.

A while later, he had his pizza. Honestly, it was sort of bland. Pizza Plus was definitely better, and that's bottom level pizza. He took just a few bites and threw the rest of it in a bin. It was actually horrible, the pizza.

Tommy stepped out of the parlor. Now, if he was on the right side of the street, he would have to go left to get back home. If he was on the left side of the street, he would have to go right.

Tommy went left.

But he was on the left side of the street.

As he walked, he noticed that he, well, didn't notice where he was. He looked around, scrunching his eyebrows.

He pulled out his phone to pull up his GPS, and his phone was on one percent battery. Why do phones' batteries have to go down even when you're not using them? He quickly went to his GPS app to at least try to get general directions back home, but before he could type in the address, his phone shut off.

"Damnit!" He whisper-scolded himself, hitting the side of his phone. He huffed, putting his phone into his pocket and looking around. He had no idea which way to go. His brain told him to just walk and hope he doesn't get even more lost, and his heart said to stay where he was until someone passed by so he could ask for help.

He obviously listened to his brain. His stupid, stupid brain.

So he walked and walked, and never even came across that pizza parlor.

And then, as if this were a book or a movie, it began to rain hard. And Tommy doesn't like storms. Really, who even does?

Tommy was still hungry; he didn't eat his pizza. He was now getting drenched, and he had no idea where to go. Plus, it was getting dark.

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