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TW// cussing, arguing, being starved, neglect, being locked up
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
the next day

Tommy woke up in a cold sweat. He began to panic from being in the small, dark room, when he remembered why is was there, and where exactly he was. Not that that didn't make him panicked, but now that he actually remembered where he was, it was barely better.

His back ached from being in the sitting up position with his legs pulled up for so long. He wished he could move to a better position, but he could barely move even an inch.

Tommy sat there for hours as he heard Phil, Techno, and Wilbur talking and walking around. There was also a couple times when Tommy could hear Wilbur and Phil arguing over him.

He was hungry and thirsty, and wondered when Phil was gonna do what Techno said he would and "figure something out" about the jammed door with a human on the other side that needs basic human necessities.

After another hour or more, Tommy brought himself into his knees and popped his back. Being on his knees was surprisingly more uncomfortable than the other way he was sitting.

He turned his head towards the door, exhaling.

"Hello? Did you assholes forget I'm in here or something?" He yelled, waiting for a reply that didn't come, "Oi! Y'know you can't just let me starve or thirst to death in here, right, ya fuckin' pricks?"

He rolled his eyes when he, yet again, was deprived from a reply.

"Can you even hear me? Did you leave or-"

"Shut up, Tommy!" Phil's voice yelled from across the house, cutting him off. "Ok, well, I might once I'm given water or something! It's fuckin' hot in here and I haven't drank anything since like ten am yesterday!"

Nothing else was said.

"Fine! Be like that, ya fuckin' asshole bitch!" Tommy scoffed, laying down on his back with his legs upwards against the wall.

More and more time passed. Tommy watched as shadows passed under the crack at the bottom of the door. He listened to Phil and Techno talking like nothing was wrong, and how Wilbur barely spoke but sounded mad whenever he did.

As the house grew quieter, and the lights went off, Tommy could feel himself falling asleep.

He was in that asleep state where you still know what's going on around you, when he heard a light peck on the door that made him sit up fast, back in that starting position with his knees partially bent.

"H...Hello?" He whispered. "Hey, it's- it's Wilbur." Wilbur replied, also whispering.

"What do you want?" Tommy asked. "I just...wanted to talk for a bit. Y'know, since you've been ignored all day. I can't really talk to you when everyone is awake." Wilbur exhaled. "Ok...talk about what?" "Anything."

A couple of seconds of silence passed. Tommy heard Wilbur sit down in the floor against the door.

"How've you been? Since you got away, I mean." Wilbur said. "I've been...good. I met a few people that took me in. I've been living with them and their son, who is the kid that I got out of here yesterday." Tommy replied.

"Michael? He's really sweet. I feel bad for him getting brought here." Wilbur said. "Yeah, he's...he's a great kid." Tommy replied, lightly laughing just once.

"What's their names? His mum and dad, your friends." Wilbur asked. "Uhm, dads, there is no mum, but their names are Tubbo and Ranboo." Tommy answered. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't know. That's cool." "It's fine."

Tommy felt so different around Wilbur, especially now since he knew Wilbur was actually also kidnapped by Phil and brainwashed, and possibly even Techno, too.

"The town you moved to, I heard there was some weapon factory or something near there that got partially blown up when something got dropped or something. Didn't a bunch of people get hurt and/or die? That was crazy, huh?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah, so crazy." Tommy deadpan replied, considering his friend was literally in the accident. Wilbur chuckled. "Why'd you say it like that? That was so sarcastic."

"Oh, uh, sorry. Just- someone I know works there. He was hurt in the accident so I'm just like, sounding sarcastic because I definitely know about it." Tommy said. "Oh! I'm so sorry, are they ok?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah, he's ok. The right side of his face and his right arm got really burned that'll leave some sick scars. He also lost his vision and some of his hearing on that side."

"Oh, my, that's awful! I feel so awful for him!" Wilbur gasped. "It's ok. He's kinda fine with it. Mainly because Michael isn't scared of it or anything." Tommy shrugged. "Michael? What's he got to do with it?" Wilbur asked. Tommy exhaled, hesitating to answer. "Oh...is it one of his dads?" "Yeah. It's- Tubbo." Tommy nodded, though Wilbur couldn't see.

A few moments of silence passed.

"Hey, can you bring me some water or something? Please?" Tommy asked. "I-I don't know how to get it to you. The door is jammed." Wilbur replied. "Can you please figure something out, then?"

"I'll...think of something. Phil said he wasn't gonna feed you or anything. He really doesn't care about you anymore." Wilbur exhaled.

"Don't worry, though. I'm not gonna let you die in there, I promise you that, Tommy."

"Thank you, Wilbur."

Words: 915

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