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TW// court mention, therapy, not sleeping due to dreams?, some brief mentions of medication (melatonin)
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
a few weeks later

Tommy got full permission from everyone that he could post his video. Once he posted it, within a minute, it already had hundreds of views and likes, and Tommy was sure there were already Tweets about it.

The video, with some appropriate-for-YouTube audio clips from the courtroom, was in all about a ten minute video, which was much shorter than Tommy felt like it was going to be when he recorded it.

After about twenty minutes passed, he looked at the comments.

People were in shock, and some expressed how they were unsure if it was completely true.

Tommy understood that, he'd be iffy as well if it wasn't literally his story.

There were questions, concerns; just about everything that could be said was said.

Some people straight up called Tommy a liar.

He didn't really care, though, because he knew he wasn't lying.

He went on Twitter, saying he would stream soon, within the next week or so to answer questions.

He then put his phone down and didn't plan on picking it back up for a few days.


Wilbur and Techno both had been going to therapy; Wilbur to help with his memory, and Techno to just be helped with all the lies Phil told him and helping him with realizing what was wrong.

Wilbur had been waking up from vivid dreams every night. Each dream was a new memory, or memories, being unlocked.

After every dream, Wilbur would wake in a cold sweat, nearly on the verge of tears. He never woke anyone, though. It's as if his body didn't let him after the first time he did.

It got to the point where Wilbur didn't want to sleep.

It wasn't that he didn't want to remember, it's that he hated that feeling of dread after waking; the way the dreams made him so shaken, for a reason he didn't know.

He hadn't slept almost at all in nearly five days.

"...bur?...Wilbur?" The voice brought Wilbur from his daze. "Y-Yeah, sorry?" He blinked, looking up at the lady named Lailah, who was his therapist. "You spaced out on me. I was asking if you had anything you'd like to talk about in the next few minutes since our time is almost up." She said.

"Uhm, no...I- I don't think I do." Wilbur shook his head. "That's great! We have about three more minutes until my next appointment comes in, so let me get my calendar to see when I can get you in next." She said, standing up.

She walked over and picked a calendar up and flipped through the months.

"Alright, the earliest I can get you in is on the sixteenth in two weeks. I know we usually go for once a week, but my schedule is pretty packed with other people I see, and I do have kids." She said.

"That's fine, I understand." Wilbur said. "Great, so I'll see you in two weeks!" She smiled.

Wilbur nodded.

Lailah paused for a moment.

"Wilbur, if you don't mind me asking, how much sleep have you been getting?" She asked. "Uhm...I don't know, a couple hours a night?" Wilbur replied. "When you say a couple, do you mean two to five hours?" "Yeah, about."

"Why's that?" She asked. "I don't know. I don't wanna sleep because when I sleep, I dream, and when I dream, I wake up a nervous wreck and it gets to be a lot." Wilbur exhaled. "I'm very sorry to hear that. What exactly do you dream about that gets you so distressed?" Lailah asked.

"It's complicated. I'm pretty sure they're memories. Like, from before I went missing. They seem like it." Wilbur said. "And why do these upset you?" "I don't know, they just do? I dunno if it's just my mind upset that I forgot it or what, but it just does."

"Alright, well I would recommend maybe taking some melatonin to help you sleep deeper so maybe you won't dream at all. Try that, update me in two weeks on how it's doing, and if it doesn't work we'll figure something else out. How does that sound?" Lailah asked. "Good. I'll- I'll do that." Wilbur nodded.

"Great! Our time is up now. You're sure there's nothing you wanna talk about? I can hold you in a little longer and just hold the rest of my appointments longer to make up for it for the rest of the day." She said. "Yeah, I'm sure."

"Cool, then! I'll walk you out." She smiled, standing up.

Wilbur stood too, and they left the small room.

They went into the small waiting room, where Quackity was sitting on his phone.

"Helloo!" Lailah smiled as they approached Quackity, who looked up with a smile, standing.

"We are all done! He's doing great, and I can see him again on the sixteenth in two weeks. Does that work with you?" Lailah asked. "Yeah, that's works! Thank you so much, Lailah." Quackity replied.

"You're welcome, I'll see you in two weeks," She turned to the one other person in the room, "Alright, if you'll just come back with me..." Her voice trailed off as the Wilbur and Quackity drew farther away, leaving through the doors.

"So how'd it go?" Quackity asked. "Fine." Wilbur replied. "Anything I should know?" "Uhm, well, she recommended I start taking melatonin at night." Wilbur said. "How come?" "Just to help me sleep better."

"Oh, I didn't know you weren't sleeping, why didn't you tell me?" Quackity asked as the two got into the car. "I dunno, it just never came up." Wilbur shrugged.

"Alright...Well know that you can always talk if you want to, I don't mind one bit."

"I know...thanks."

"Of course, Wilbur."

Words: 990

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