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TW// cussing, being missing, kinda panicking?, possible attempted kidnapping
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
One week later

Tommy was out with Tubbo, Ranboo, and Michael. He wasn't streaming or anything. The four of them were going around town, shopping and just having a good time.

They were in a little antique shop, just looking around. Tubbo pointed something out to Ranboo that the two began to look at.

Michael stood next to Tommy, who was just kinda there physically, but not there.

He was very tired and zoned out at the moment.

"Hey, Tommy, look how cute this is!" Ranboo said, pulling Tommy from his inescapable stare of nothingness and void. "Hm?" He blinked a few times. "This!" Tubbo said, holding up a little antique doll that had a cracked porcelain face and hands but a cloth body.

"Wow. That is creepy as shit," Tommy said, "Michael would like it. Hey, Michael, look-"

Tommy paused when he saw that Michael was no longer beside of him. Assuming he had walked over to the next aisle, Tommy went that way.

"Michael, come back, we don't want you walking off." He said. He rounded the corner, and Michael wasn't there.

"Michael?" He asked a bit loudly. Nothing. He looked back at Tubbo and Ranboo, who both looked worried, rightfully so.

"Michael! Where'd you go?" Tommy asked, walking along the aisles and looking down the to see if Michael was there. He wasn't. "Michael!"

Tommy ran back the other way, going back to Tubbo and Ranboo.

"I don't know where he is, maybe he wandered farther into the shop." He said. "Well I sure hope so! Can you go ask the workers if they've seen him? Ran and I will go this way." Tubbo sisd pointing to the other end of the shop.

Tommy nodded, and made his way over to the counter where a very old, frail lady was. She was short and hunched over with grey hair and big round glasses that gave her huge-looking eyes.

"Excuse me, did you happen to see a little boy with brown hair walk in any specific direction?" Tommy asked. "Oo, dear, I don't see or hear much of anything anymore." She giggled a bit, "But I did see a short blob of blue and brown leaving a few minutes ago!"

Blue and brown.

Michael was wearing a beige, almost brown fuzzy sweater with blue jean shorts,

"Like, leave the shop? Go outside?" Tommy asked. "Righto!"

"Oh, fuck." Tommy whispered to himself. "What was that, dear?" The lady asked, cupping her hand around her ear. "Oh, nothing, thank you for your help."

Tommy sped away, leaving the old woman confused.

"What did I help with?...Hm, what a strange young lady."

Tommy ran to the other side of the shop where Tubbo and Ranboo were.

"She said he left!" Tommy said. "What?!" Tubbo gasped. "She said she saw him leaving the shop! Or...I guess it was him. She's almost blind and said she saw a blob of blue and brown leaving, which is what Michael's wearing."

"Oh my god..." Ranboo said, looking panicked. He ran towards the exit of the shop, and so did Tommy and Tubbo.

"Uh...you go that way, Tommy, we'll go this way." Ranboo said, then running off with Tubbo to the left of the street, yelling Michael's name, so Tommy went right, also shouting Michael's name.

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