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TW// cussing, being grabbed, panicking, almost crying?, trauma ig, stalking mention
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
one week later

Tommy was walking around town, streaming and doing pretty much nothing. He was just walking around and talking. He wanted to go get some food or something, but the perks of being a mask-faced streamer did not allow that.

"Aw, chat, I'm bored. What shall we do, fellas?" He asked, looking at chat on his phone. Some people just said "UHHH" but Tommy's eye caught one message. "Ooh! Someone said a fan hide and seek! If someone sees me I buy them something like food within a price range? Hmmm? How does that sound, fellas?"

Chat seemed down for that, so that's exactly what they did. But, Tommy didn't really hide. He just sat on a bench in the park for a while, talking to chat.

"Do any of you lot even live around here? Are we going anywhere with this game?" He laughed.

Tommy sat his camera next to him on the bench and sat crisscrossed.

"Shall I walk around? See if someone will see me then? Cus really, I don't think I'm gonna have any luck sit-" Tommy was cut off when he heard a shout.


"Oo- I think we have our victims, chat." Tommy grinned under the mask, looking at the camera.

In the background of the stream, two figures we're seeing jogging towards Tommy.

Tommy looked over, and his posture immediately straightened. His chat noticed how he tensed up and suddenly became more guarded as he picked at the hem of his shirt. Of course, they immediately started spamming their concerns.

Of course, because Tommy has fantastic luck, it was Phil and Techno.

Tommy wondered where Wilbur was.

Chat started to explode when the two reached Tommy, and Phil took hold of his arm.

Tommy pulled his arm away from Phil very quickly.

"Uhm, please don't touch me." Tommy said, trying to be polite as if he didn't know the two. Their faces were clear as day on the camera, so the world now know who they were, or at least what they looked like.

Phil didn't listen, and basically tried to pull Tommy to his feet.

"Excuse me! Do you mind, dickhead?" Tommy scoffed, standing on his own and picking up his camera, making sure it was sort of pointed at the two's faces, but also so they didn't notice.

"Tommy, come with us. We don't want to ask again. You don't understand, we-" Phil was cut short. "What- are you saying? Please leave me alone, I- I think you've mistaken me for someone. And don't go grabbing people without permission." Tommy said, backing up some and the turning, walking away.

The two tried to follow him, but Tommy held the camera up some, and the two noticed that he was either filming or streaming and they stopped.

Because they...totally didn't stalk his social media.

Chat was so confused, spamming things like "UH WTF" and "R U OK TOMMY???" and "CRAZY FANS? IDK TOMMY LOOKED SCARED AS SOON AS HE SAW THEM?"

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