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TW// cussing, police, being questioned, kidnapping talks, talking about a photo of a dead body, almost crying, talk of a fake murder
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur awoke to his head hitting the window when the car went over a large bump. He sat up, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry, did that wake you?" A voice asked. Wilbur flinched, forgetting where he was in his half-asleep state. It took him a moment for his head to clear, realizing the voice was Sam. "Uh...yeah." Was all he said.

"Sorry about that. We're here anyways, so, I guess it doesn't matter much." Sam shrugged. Wilbur nodded.

He looked out of the window and saw the car pulling into a police station. He heard a car behind the one he and Sam were in, so he turned in his seat and looked out of the back window, seeing the car of his supposed family, with his two alleged dads in the front seats.

"Do you know what time it is?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah! It is..." Sam looked at his watch, "Nearly three in the morning."

Wilbur nodded and exhaled as the car came to a stop in a parking spot.

Sam reached for his door handle and began to get out of the car.

"Hey," Wilbur said, making Sam pause. "Hm?" Sam replied. "Can you...ask or tell them, like...not to hug me or anything? I mean, I guess they have their reasons to...but y'know, since I don't feel like I know them..." Wilbur struggled to explain what he was thinking.

Bottom line, though, he didn't want the three to touch him at all, and Sam panicked up on what he was saying.

"Of course, I understand that. I'll make sure to tell them immediately." Sam nodded, getting out of the car and shutting the door. Wilbur tired opening his own door, realizing that Sam would have to open it from the outside after he pulled it and it didn't open.

"Before I get him out, Wilbur requested that I tell you three something," Sam said to Quackity, Schlatt, and Charlie, "Uhm...he wanted me to ask for you to please not touch him. Like, even a hug. He said that he understands why you would want to, but, to him, he has no idea who you."

"That's...ok. Yeah, we can do that. We understand." Schaltt replied for the all of them.

When Wilbur saw Sam walking back towards the car, he turned in his seat and pretended like he hadn't been listening to the conversation. Sam opened the door and Wilbur stood up out of the car, not looking at the other three.

"Alright, then! If you four will just follow me, I know you're exhausted since it's so late, or early, but this should go reasonably quickly so you can go home as long as everything goes smoothly." Sam said, leading the four towards and into the station.

"So...if they go home when this is done...where the hell do I go?" Wilbur asked as they walked through the doors. Sam looked from Wilbur to the other three a few times. "You're...going with them, are you not?" He replied. "Am I?" "Where else would you go? They are your family, after all."

Wilbur just rubbed his eyes and exhaled.

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Ok, so, Wilbur, if you don't mind, I'm gonna have you follow me to answer some questions. And also, if they want to, would you be opposed to them watching? They'll be on the other side of some one-way glass. They'll be able to see and hear us, but we won't be able to see and hear them." Sam said.

"I don't care if they watch; I'm tired, I'm confused, and I just want to get out of here." Wilbur replied. "O...k. ...If you three would like to come along, feel free to do so." Sam said. "We will." Quackity replied.

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