
245 12 24

TW// cussing, hospital, police, nightmare, malnourishment, IVs
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur woke up, but not like he usually does. No, today, he woke up shaking and sweating, nearly panicking. And he didn't really even know why. He had a weird dream. It was just flashes of different images, but it bothered him.

There were flashes of a bridge, flashes of being grabbed and held, and flashes of Phil. Phil giving Wilbur a drink, and then Wilbur passing out from it. Apparently he did that to all of his victims. Wilbur saw himself waking up scared, not knowing where he was. He saw himself trying to get away from Phil and Techno, and then slipping.

That's when he woke up.

The dream didn't make any sense. What was with the bridge, was his main question.

He got out of bed and went over to his bag, grabbing a change of clothes that was just a solid colored T, white sweat pants, and a black hoodie with a bear and a brown, fuzzy hood.

(You CANNOT convince me that Wilbur wouldn't wear this and not SLAY in it, you CANT. I do NOT care what you say, my mind WILL NOT change.
This is a cannon event, I saw it happen!)

Wilbur waited to leave the bedroom for another hour and a half, and it was three in the afternoon before he heard movement in the house, and even then, he hesitated

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Wilbur waited to leave the bedroom for another hour and a half, and it was three in the afternoon before he heard movement in the house, and even then, he hesitated.

Once he grew a pair and decided that he couldn't stay in the room forever, he stood up from the desk chair and quietly walked over, opening the door and walking out into the hall.

He looked around a corner, seeing Quackity and Charlie.

"Uhm, good morning." Wilbur greeted, stepping into the kitchen where the two stood, not making eye contact. "Good morning! Did you sleep alright?" Quackity asked. "Fine, thank you." "Would you like some breakfast? There's not too many options, but we have cereal, eggs, toast..." Quackity offered. "No, I'm not hungry, but thank you."

Wilbur looked around a bit.

"Where's- oh, what's his name? Where's..." Wilbur thought for a moment, "Schlatt? Yeah. Where's Schlatt?" He asked.

Give him a break, it's a strange name.

Quackity and Charlie glanced at each other for a moment.

"He's at work. Feel bad for him, we got home around four in the morning and he has to leave for work at eight." Quackity said. "Oh...what's does he do?" Wilbur replied, just trying so hard to make a decent conversation.

"Well, right now he's just doing part time at a grocery store until he can go back to his other job, because there was a bit of an accident and the building is being repaired, so. But there, he does computers and shit." Quackity said. "Oh, interesting." Wilbur nodded awkwardly.

"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙...𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑈𝑠, 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒." | 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now