
488 20 10

TW// cussing, sickness
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
two weeks later cus author is lazy and sort of out of ideas

Tommy sat by himself in the sitting room, watching the television with the volume muted. Whenever he was tired but didn't want to sleep, he would do that. The moving pictures kept him awake, and the muted audio didn't make his tired brain hurt.

It was late; the sun was already down.

Tommy started drifting off after the television paused, asking, "are you still watching?"

His eyes closed. He was so tired. He'd given so many uncomfortable hugs, received a number of pats, and been squished between one of the three and the sofa arm or two of the three a few times within the last two weeks.

Too. much. touch.

"Hey, Tommy!" Wilbur's voiced called loudly from beside of Tommy, startling the hell out of him. He jumped from his half-asleep posture, exhaling when he saw the three standing there. "Oop- sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Wilbur apologized. "No, you're fine." Tommy yawned. "What is it?"

"Welllll...Dad, Tech, and I were talking...and you've been very good, low, and, well, not hating us...and this was mostly up to Dad, but we've decided to let you have your phone back!" Wilbur smiled, handing Tommy his phone that seemed to be charged for him.

Tommy, on the inside, was screaming. His plan was working; they were trusting him. But on the outside, he remained calm and tired-looking.

"Oh..! Wow, thank you..!" He smiled lightly, tiredness full in his eyes. He was genuinely excited, he was just far too exhausted from all of this pretending and touch to show it.

"You look...really, really tired. Are you ok??" Wilbur asked. "You're not getting sick, are you?" Phil added. "No, no, I'm just tired."

Tommy sniffed in through his stuffed up nose, noticing how weird he sounded when he spoke. Was he getting sick? He hoped not.

"Are you sure? Your awful stopped-up-sounding. Let me go get you a thermometer." Phil said, walking off. "You're really pale, too. Let me feel your head." Wilbur reached over, placing his hand on Tommy's forehead, who stiffened up and held his breath at the touch. Wilbur made a face at how Tommy felt, and then noticed the uncomfortable look on his face, and how it went away when Wilbur removed his hand.

Then Phil came back, basically shoving the thermometer into Tommy's mouth. The three sat in silence for about thirty seconds before the thermometer started to beep at a slightly fast pace.

Tommy took it out, looking at it, not really understanding what it meant (like if he was hot or cold), and then showing Wilbur who made a face.

"Eh, you have a small fever. Nothing a couple doses of Advil or something can't fix." He said. Tommy nodded.

Tommy then stood up, putting his retrieved phone into his pocket.

"I'll go get me something." He said, walking off. Wilbur followed after him. The two of them went into the restroom, and into the medicine cabinet.

"This is just Advil which should be fine for you, but this one, Advil Duel Action, it's more for colds and such. It would probably work faster so instead of taking four doses, you'll only take maybe two." Wilbur kept on about what Tommy could take and what he doesn't need.

He acts like more of a dad to Tommy than his own dad (before he died) and Phil, who is literally the dad of the house.

Tommy got tired of Wilbur suggesting things when all he needed was some Advil, so he grabbed the bottle, dumped two out (hoping a dose wasn't one like some medication) into his hand and grabbed a small paper cup, filling it with tap water, and downing the pills.

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