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TW// cussing, hitting mentions (doesn't happen), crimeboys fluff (not actually a TW)

3rd person POV

A couple of hours passed. The whole time, every time someone passed the door, or spoke near the door (especially when it was Phil), Tommy would flinch. He had never really stopped crying. It was completely silent, but the tears did still go down his face.

Eventually, the house went quiet. Tommy could feel his stinging-from-crying eyes grow tired as he laid his head against the wall. He was almost asleep when he heard someone sit down against the door, making him flinch.

"Jesus." He whispered when he remembered it was just Wilbur. "Sorry, did I scare you?" Wilbur asked. "Yeah, but it's...fine."

There was a brief silence.

"I'm so, so sorry about earlier. I...I have no idea what was going on with Dad, he has never acted like that, like, ever." Wilbur said. "No, it's my fault. I was being an annoying little shithead. I deserved it." Tommy replied. "No, you didn't, don't say that."

Tommy just shrugged, even though Wilbur couldn't see.

"I brought you some water. We ran out of food that'll fit under the door, so I'll go out tomorrow and buy more." Wilbur said, shimmying the bag of water under the door. "Thanks."

Tommy picked up the bag and chewed on the bottom corner until there was a small hood that he could rink out of. He did this so he wouldn't accidentally spill it out of the top while trying to drink out of the part where it opens and closes.

"Are...you ok?" Wilbur asked. "Never been better." Tommy replied. "No, seriously, are you actually ok? I wanna make sure he didn't actually hit you or anything and you just didn't tell me since he was standing there."

"No, he- he didn't hit me, I'm ok. I just, y'know, haven't stopped crying since I got back in here earlier." Tommy said. "W-What? Really? How did I not hear you?" Wilbur asked. "I wasn't really making any noise at all."

And again, silence.

Tommy looked down, seeing Wilbur's hand right next to the opening under the door. The dim lamp on the outside was just enough for Tommy to see his hand.

Tommy stuck his fingers under the door, wiggling them because he thought it was funny. Wilbur giggled, doing the same to Tommy. Tommy, with his other hand, pinned Wilbur's fingers to the floor. "Ah! Man down!" Wilbur whispered in a slightly high-pitched voice, laughing.

They were such children, despite one being a legal adult, and one being underage yet robbed of his childhood.

Tommy giggled quietly after letting go of Wilbur's hand, and it was still for a few more moments. That is, until Wilbur patted the top of Tommy's hand from under the door, and then left his hand there.

Tommy contemplated for a moment before awkwardly holding Wilbur's hand for just a fraction of the comfort he wanted and needed. And Wilbur let him. Really, Tommy was just holding onto two of Wilbur's fingers like a little kid, but he didn't care.

Soon, Tommy drifted off to sleep, still holding onto Wilbur.

Words: 535

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