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TW// cussing
I think that's it?

Shorter chapter but who gives af

3rd person POV
two days later

Tommy stayed in his room whenever he could. He didn't want to socialize or make friends. He just wanted to be by himself.

He was basically living out of his suitcase. He hadn't unpacked anything, because this wasn't his home. It was basically like a staying in a hotel all day, every day, and you forgot when your last day in the hotel is so you're just staying until you get kicked out.

There was a knock on his door before it opened without an answer. Mars stood there.

"Hey! There's a few people coming in to maybe foster someone in a bit, so everyone is kinda required to go downstairs. I think they might already be here." They said. Tommy got up and followed Mars downstairs. He didn't think anything of the situation. He was just doing as he was told; going downstairs when necessary.

When the two made it downstairs and went to turn into the room that they were headed to, Tommy froze when he saw Phil. Neither Techno nor Wilbur were with him, but that didn't matter.

"You ok, Tommy?" Mars asked. Tommy looked over at her and then back towards Phil. Mars looked at Phil also, and it took her a minute to recognize him. "Oh- shit- uh...why the hell is he here? That's a bad coincidence. That creep shouldn't be allowed to foster."

They looked over at Tommy seeing his overly scared expression.

"Tommy, how- how did you recognize him that fast?" She asked. Tommy stood still, not responding. "You do know him, don't you?" Tommy finally looked over at her. "I-I do...But it's a really, really long story that I really, really don't wanna talk about." He said.

Mars nodded, straightening their suit jacket.

"I'll take care of him for you." She grinned, walking towards Phil with their heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor like a total boss.

"Hi! Are the kids treating you good?" They asked. Phil turned around, recognizing Mars very quickly but playing it off. "Yup, they sure are!" He smiled.

"Mmm, wonderful," They gave Phil a snarky look, "Just so you know, that tall blonde boy that you were creepin' on the other day is already taken. His new family will be here in the next couple of days, so if that's why you're here, you can feel free to leave." She said, smiling the whole time.

They then leaned a little closer to Phil, dropping the smile and whispering.

"And that means leave right fucking now."

Phil glanced up, seeing Tommy standing in the doorway, shrinking in on himself like he was scared (he was). Tommy shot his head down to the floor when they made eye contact.

Phil looked back at Mars, nodding.

"Ok. I'm going." He said, backing up. Mars put their warm smile back on. "Alright, you have a good day, sir!" They said, waving. When Phil walked away and disappeared behind a corner, Mars stopped smiling again. "Asshole."

She walked back towards Tommy, patting him on the shoulder.

"Told him you're already being fostered and that the imaginary people are coming to get you soon." They said. Tommy nodded. "Thanks, Mars." He smiled a little bit. Mars nodded back and walked away.

"There's no way that emo weirdo got picked by someone. When did that even happen?" Bailey's voice scoffed from the other side of the room.

Tommy looked over, seeing the four looking at him with mad faces like they were jealous. And Tommy enjoyed seeing them like that since they're such assholes, so he didn't tell them the truth. He just smiled and walked away, going back to his bedroom.

The rest of the day was slow, and Tommy got tired before the sun was even completely set, so he decided to just go to bed early.

Stress makes people tired, and Tommy had been very stressed lately.

Words: 670

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