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TW// cussing, crying, knife, strong talks of: suicide, bullying, receiving physical and emotional abuse from bullies, self harm, kidnapping, and depression
I think that's all?

(Seriously, tell me if there's more, ik this is a triggering chapter)

3rd person POV

The car ride home for Wilbur was strange.

It was dead silent like Tommy's ride home, because there was some light talking from Schlatt and Quackity mixed with the quiet radio, but Wilbur didn't speak. Neither did Techno or Charlie.

There wasn't anything to say.

Wilbur didn't know what his...brothers(?)...were thinking, but there was one thing that Wilbur couldn't get off of his mind.

What Phil said about the night they found Wilbur.

He was still torn on how he had almost done that.

Wilbur was happy.

He would have never guessed.

Before he knew it, they were home. The five got out of the car and went inside.

"S-So! Uhm, I'll show you to your bedroom, Techno." Wilbur said, beginning to walk away, expecting Techno to follow, which he did.

The room was nice. Soft grey walls and white trimming with a dark wood floor. And the bed looked fluffy, too, and there's nothing better than a fluffy bed.

"Here it is! I'll go find you a phone charger, I'm sure there's one somewhere. Are you hungry? I'm sure I could go find you something. Do- Do you wanna borrow some of my clothes? Well, no they wouldn't fit you, your too muscular. I can-" Wilbur was cut off.

"Wilbur, I...I think you've done enough already. Really, I mean, I'm not homeless, so there's nothing else I could ask for," Techno paused, "Except maybe a phone charger."

Wilbur chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll do that. It's late, though, so can we do that in the morning?" He asked. "Of course, why are you asking?" Techno replied.

"Fuck, I don't know," Wilbur spoke a little quickly, "I'm just tired, and stressed, and my mind is racing with today so I'm also full of energy and that's making me more tired, and I'm confused as to how the hell I don't remember wanting to fucking off myself so that's just stressing me more, and now I'm rambling, and I'm sorry, and I-"

"Wilbur," Techno interrupted, "Calm down, it's alright. I can see that you're tired, so go to bed. And if you can't sleep because you're stressed, just come talk to me. And don't apologize for rambling, we've all done it." He said.

"Yeah...right, uhm...I'm- gonna go now. My room is at the end of the hallway." Wilbur said. "Ok, Goodnight." Techno replied. Wilbur nodded, and then left, shutting the door behind him.

He walked towards his room but was stopped.

"Wilbur," It was Quackity, "Can we...talk?" He asked. Wilbur stopped, turning around, facing Quackity who was stood in the entryway to the sitting room.

"Talk about what?" Wilbur asked, though he already knew what it was. "About...Y'know, what happened today. About what happened the night you disappeared." Quackity said.

Schlatt was also there, and Charlie was sitting on the sofa, just kind of there. He wasn't on his phone or anything. He was just there.

"There's not anything to talk about. It's just what he said, apparently I was about to off myself." Wilbur said. "Apparently?" Schlatt questioned.

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