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TW// cussing, kidnapping mentions, disease?, foster system mentions
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
The next day

It was early, kind of. It was around 11:00 am, but the house was very chill and quiet. Probably because Michael was busy in his room torturing Tubbo with some inhumane, sick role-play that only a child eight or younger would think about doing with their innocent toy animals.
(4-7 year old me making my toy horses kill and eat each other to survive)

Tommy dug around in his bag, looking for the box of pink hair dye and gloves.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared. He wanted to change appearance some, so maybe the three wouldn't recognize him from far away if they ever saw each other, or maybe even close up if the three aren't paying much attention.

There were a few knocks on Tommy's door.

"Come in!" He yelled, not looking up from his bag that was full of just random shit now.

The door opened and Tommy just assumed it was Ranboo, which it was.

"Hey!" They said as they opened the door, "Wanted to see if you were ok, you're awfully quiet." Tommy nodded. "I'm alright, thanks."

Ranboo leaned a bit, raising an eyebrow.

"What're you looking for?" He asked. "My hair dye." Tommy replied. "Oh! You dye your hair? I thought you were a natural blonde." "I am," Tommy said, finding the dye and pulling it out of the bag, "But I wanna change it."

"Ah, ok!" Ranboo nodded, not asking why. He figured Tommy was wanting to look different because of the three guys, which he was.

Ranboo watched as Tommy looked at the back of the box like he was looking for instructions.

"Do you...want help?" They asked. Tommy looked up at him. "I mean, it can't be that hard, right?" He replied. "Trust me, you'll get it all over your forehead and hands and it'll be there for weeks. You don't wanna do it yourself the first time. Plus, I know how to dye without it being uneven or make your hair fall out by doing something wrong."

Tommy raised an eyebrow.

"How's that?" He asked. Ranboo waved him off, walking over and taking the box from Tommy.

"Oh, pink! Why pink?" He asked. "It's all I have." Tommy replied. Then Ranboo noticed the box had already been opened.

"Is this open?"


"Why do you have an already open box?"

"I didn't buy it, it's not mine."

"Where'd you get it?"

"In those three guys' closet."

"Doesn't that one have pink hair?"


"So this is probably been used by him?"


"So not only are you gonna dye your hair the same color as your kidnapper, but you're gonna also use his box?"

Tommy looked over at Ranboo with an 'omfg' look.

"I mean, yeah! One, it's all I have, and two, I don't think anything else would look good. And I like pink! Who doesn't?" He said. Ranboo shrugged.

"Do you wanna do it now?" He asked. "Whenever is fine, I don't care." Tommy replied. "We'll do it now while Michael is occupied with Tubbo."

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