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TW// cussing, gun (toy)
I think that's it?

3rd person POV
a few days later

Tommy was in the sitting room by himself. Phil was outside doing who knows what, Techno was off in his room reading, and Wilbur was...somewhere. Tommy didn't exactly know.

This was good, though. Being left alone with free roam of the house and his phone showed that the three were trusting him. His plan was working.

Tommy scrolled through Twitter, occasionally getting tired of the entitled, conservative, straight, white men posts he came across, swiping off to play Tom Gold Run, and then going back to Twitter once he died.

The floor popped, and Tommy looked up to see Wilbur walking into the room. Tommy greeted him with a smile and went back to Twitter. Wilbur sat down in the chair that was slightly adjacent to the sofa.

"Where've you been?" Tommy asked. "Just in my room." Wilbur replied. Tommy thought Wilbur seemed off but chose not to say anything.

Wilbur kept glancing at Tommy and then back at his hand, picking at his nails, and Tommy noticed.

"Do you need something?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur replied without hesitation.

"I know what you're trying to do, Tommy."

Tommy paused, unsure if he knew exactly what Wilbur was talking about or not.

"I don't think I know what you mean." He replied. "You're not stupid, Tommy, but neither am I. It's obvious. To me, at least." Wilbur said. "And what is it that's obvious?" Tommy asked.

"I know you're trying to leave. You don't just go from hating us to loving us in two minutes. Your plan is working, I'll give you that. You're getting Dad and Techno's trust. You've got your phone back, free roam of the house...all you need is access to go outside and then you'll be gone." Wilbur said.

Tommy sat still, not sure what to say.

"I'm right, aren't I?" Wilbur asked.

Tommy resituated himself where he sat, aiming his head up at Wilbur.

"Yeah, you are. For the most part, at least. I mean, yes, I want to gain you three's trust, but not so I can leave. All I want is to not be locked in my room all day, every day without something besides a wall to look at." Tommy said, only partially lying.

Wilbur gave Tommy a look, and went to say something else when the front door opened and Phil walked in.

"Oh, hey! What're you two talking about?" He asked. Tommy went to speak but Wilbur did instead. "Just some book that we've both read." He lied. Tommy nodded to agree.

"Cool, cool. Never took you for the reading type, Tommy." Phil said. "Uh, yeah! I uhm...really enjoy reading." Tommy replied. "What do you like to read?" Phil asked. Tommy shrugged. "Depends on my mood." He said.

Tommy doesn't like to read.

"Ok, well, I'll leave you two alone now." Phil said, walking away.

Once he was gone, Tommy stood too.

"I'm gonna go to my room. Maybe read while I'm in there." He said, glaring at Wilbur with that last sentence. "Well would you rather I had told him what we were really talking about?" Wilbur asked. "I'd rather you not accuse me of things."

Tommy was so good at acting offended.

He then walked away, back to 'his' room. He shut the door and locked it, going over to his dresser, grabbing the bottle of acetone nail polish remover and the rag that he successfully stole from the kitchen.

He soaked the rag in the liquid just like how Google told him to.

There wasn't much glue, but it was enough for it to take a while.

He removed the small flower from the windowsill.

Tommy stood next to his window for seemingly hours, continuously rubbing the glue with the wet rag to dissolve it, reapplying the smelly liquid and repeating the process.

After forever, Tommy decided to see if he had done enough. He pushed up on the window with all of his strength. It didn't move, and he was about to continue this process, but the window opened with a loud pop, and the white paint on the sill tore off onto the glue, leaving it as brown and wooden before it was painted.

Tommy froze, hoping nobody heard the pop and coming up with a lie incase someone did.

He waited.

"Tommy, you ok? What was that pop?" Phil's voice asked fork outside the door. "I'm alright, thanks! I just dropped my phone!" Tommy replied. "Ok, let me know if you need anything." Phil said. "I will!"

Phil's footsteps drew farther away, and Tommy let out a sigh of relief. He closed the window back, making sure it didn't looked like it had been opened. He then sat his flower back in its spot.

Tommy looked around his room, remembering all of the random shit he found in the closet. He jogged over, opening the closet door. He grabbed the rucksack and looked at everything he had found that could possibly be useful in the future.

He opened the rucksack and threw in the box of pink hair dye and plastic gloves, the black face mask, and the Yo-Yo just for the fun of it. He didn't get the nerf gun because what's the point if it doesn't have bullets.

Now he was ready for...whenever he got out. Hopefully soon.

He went over, lying down in his bed, staring out of the window.

It was dark out, and Tommy's flower sitting there slept soundly, so he did as well.

Words: 935

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