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TW// cussing, kidnapping, drinking spiked drink, passing out, feeling sick, almost jumping out of a moving car?, injury mention, crying, arguing
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
kind beginning of last chapter

Michael was sitting where all of the younger students wait for their parents to pick them up, when his name was called. He grabbed his rucksack and went to the office, expecting to see his Uncle Tommy, but instead, it was the old man that was with with the pink-haired person that Michael had mistaken for Tommy all those weeks ago.

(Did you forgot Tommy has pink hair? Ha- because I sure did!)

"Michael! Hey, bud, quick question, do you know who this man is?" The secretary asked.

Michael, being young and clueless, didn't know that the man wasn't supposed to be picking him up.

"Yeah! This is Phil! Didn't I see you just a couple weeks ago? What are you doing here?" Michael asked. "Your Uncle Tommy wasn't able to come get you so he told me to!" Phil replied. "Oh, ok! He's ok, right? And my dads?" "Yes, they're alright."

"Ok, then! Let's go! See you tomorrow!" Michael waved to the secretary and the few other staff that were in the office.

Phil took Michael out of the school and got him into his car. Michael, being the very responsible child he was that would never let himself be kidnapped, buckled himself in and hugged his rucksack in his lap.

"So why couldn't Uncle Tommy come get me? Is something wrong?" Michael asked. "Something just came up. Don't worry, everyone is fine!" Phil replied with a smile as he started the car and began to drive off.

"Oh, well that's good. One of my dads, Bee, he got hurt a few weeks ago. I was afraid something related to that had happened and he was at the hospital again." Michael tapped his feet together as they dangled a bit off of the cars floorboard.

"Did he? Is he alright?" Phil asked, glancing into the review mirror. "Yeah, he's fine," Michael paused, "Wait, if you're my Uncle, wouldn't you know he got hurt? Because if you're my uncle, then that means you're either Bee or Boo's brother, right?"

"Oh, well, I'm related through a marriage on, uh, Boo's...side of the family. I'm not blood to him, we don't see each other much, but I was just in the area, so, you know." Phil lied a decent lie. "Ohhh, ok! That makes sense. ...Hey, I think you took a wrong turn, this isn't the way to my house." Michael pointed out.

Phil was surprised how observant the young boy was. Most kids his age wouldn't have noticed they weren't headed to his home.

"Gosh, you're right! Silly me! I'll just turn around in this car park," Phil said as he turned into the car park of a shopping center, "Are you thirty? I have a water that I haven't touched." He reached a plastic water bottle back to Michael.

"I am, thank you!" Michael smiled, taking the bottle from Phil, not realizing that the seal was already opened.

He took a few sips, and noticed the waters strange flavor. He made a face and brought back the bottle from his mouth. He noticed that the white hue of the condensation on the bottle was off-looking, so he wiped it, reading that it wasn't condensation, but that the water had a white-ish-clear color to it.

He knew something wasn't right; he's very smart. He closed the bottle and looked out of the window, seeing that Phil hadn't turned around, and that he had pulled out in the same direction as he was going in before.

"H-Hey, uh, you're still going the wrong way..?" Michael said. "I know, I realized I couldn't turn there. I'm trying to find somewhere where I can turn legally." Phil chuckled. "O-Ok..."

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