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TW// cussing, people being naggy and stoopid, burns, blindness? & partial deafness?, being looked at
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

The next day was slow so Tommy decided to do a Just Chatting stream for a bit to entertain himself. There were so many more people in his chat than usual, and he knew it was because of a specific little clip running around. He was sure of that when he saw people asking about it. People that he didn't seem to recognize.

Michael hadn't seen Tubbo yet. He got home late in the day from his friends house, and Ranboo told him that Tubbo was sick and should be left alone.

There were then three knocks on his bedroom door.

"Hold on, I'm streaming!" He yelled, covering the camera. "Ok, you can come in!"

The door opened slightly and revealed Tubbo.

"Hey, Tubbo! My camera is covered, so you're good." Tommy smiled. "Hey, I'm uh, gonna go out for a while." Tubbo replied. "Oh...ok! Uhm...do you want me to go with you? I can stop my stream!" "Oh, no, I could use the alone time."

"Ok, well have fun, text me if you need anything."

And then, Tubbo left.

He wore a face mask as he walked down the streets, but some people still glanced his way. He put his hood up and kept his hands in his pockets and his head down after the eighth bad look he got.

He eventually made it to his destination, walked up onto the porch, and knocked at the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened.

"Hey, Puffy..." Tubbo nervously waved.

"Tubbo! Hi! Oh my god, how are you? Are you recovering well? I haven't gotten any updates on you!" Puffy smiled, opening the door wider for him to step in. "Come inside! Come sit! Can I get you something?" She asked. "Thank you, but no, I'm alright."

"Well follow me I'll take you to the sitting room."

She led him into a small room with a small sofa and a tiny television.

"So how are you?" Puffy asked. Tubbo sighed, taking off his hood and mask, moving his long hair behind his ear. "Blind and partially deaf with burn scar seasoning. So I'm doing great." He sarcastically smiled.

"Oh, my...I'm so sorry! It doesn't look half bad at all, though!" She said. "Thanks." Tubbo smiled. "Does it hurt?" Puffy asked. "Physically?" He replied. "Pardon?" "You mean physically hurt, right? Because no, it doesn't physically hurt."

"I...yes, I meant physically hurt, but...now I need to ask...are you ok? Not physically this time, mentally." She said. "Definitely not, I look god awful and I hate myself." Tubbo smiled, crossing his leg over the other, giving a thumbs up.

"Tubbo, no, it doesn't look bad at all! Don't hate yourself! You look perfectly fine, sweetheart!" She frowned.

Tubbo just shrugged and it went quiet for a minute.

"So why are you here, again? Just stopping by?" Puffy asked. "Oh, yeah, about that. I was wanting to do something to cover my face up. ...You can cut hair, right?" Tubbo replied. "Yes, I can!" She paused for a moment, "Do you want me to give you a cut that hides that side of your face?"

Tubbo nodded.

"Alrighty, then! Your wish is my command! Why don't you grab that chair and follow me? We'd have more space and better lighting in the restroom."


Tommy was still streaming, and Tubbo had been gone for a good three hours. Ranboo had came home from work, and was chilling on stream with Tommy.

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