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TW// cussing, arguing and yelling
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur was jolted awake when he felt someone grab his arm, pulling him into the standing up position.

Dazed, he looked around, realizing he had fallen asleep at Tommy's door with his back against the wall, and still having Tommy holding onto him.

Phil was mad.

"Woah, I just woke up, you gave me a head-rush from making me stand up, I have no idea what the fuck you just said." Wilbur said, rubbing his eyes.

"I saiddddd..." Phil snapped his fingers in Wilbur's face, "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked. "I...live here?" Wilbur replied, still half-asleep.

"Are you dumb?"


"Wha- no! What are you doing here. As in with Tommy."

"Ohhhh, you mean here here. Hah, yeah, after you screeched like a fucking banshee at him for almost no reason at all, I figured, y'know, since he's a kid locked in a closet who was just scared he was gonna be beat on by you, why not comfort him? Why not chat? I mean, I'm not even a dad, but I feel like that's what you, as a dad, should act like. But, that's just a little theory I had about fathers, y'know, since I'm not one but still taking care of and keeping the kid somewhat emotionally stable." Wilbur glared at Phil.

Phil glared back.

"Don't talk to me like that." He said. "Then treat Tommy like he's a fucking human being." Wilbur replied, sitting back down in the floor.

"Oh my god." Phil laughed, walking away.

"Awkwardddd." Techno hissed through his teeth. "Shut the hell up." Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Gotcha." Techno gave Wilbur a thumbs up, walking away.


Tommy was woken by voices. It took a moment for his ears to focus on them, but when he did, he could tell the conversation was about him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Phil's voice asked. "I...live here?" Wilbur's answered, sounding half-asleep.

"Are you dumb?"


This made Tommy chuckle.

"Wha- no! What are you doing here. As in with Tommy."

"Ohhhh, you mean here here. Hah, yeah, after you screeched like a fucking banshee at him for almost no reason at all, I figured, y'know, since he's a kid locked in a closet who was just scared he was gonna be beat on by you, why not comfort him? Why not chat? I mean, I'm not even a dad, but I feel like that's what you, as a dad, should act like. But, that's just a little theory I had about fathers, y'know, since I'm not one but still taking care of and keeping the kid somewhat emotionally stable." Wilbur said with an annoyed attitude.

A second of silence passed.

"Don't talk to me like that." Phil said. "Then treat Tommy like he's a fucking human being." Wilbur replied, and Tommy heard and saw his shadow sit back down in the floor with him. "Oh my god." Phil's voice laughed as his footsteps were heard going father and father away.

"Awkwardddd." Techno said hissing through his teeth. "Shut the hell up." Wilbur replied. "Gotcha."

And then Techno's footsteps went away.

"Well that was something." Tommy chuckled. "Oh- shit- you're awake!" Wilbur laughed. "Yup. Heard everything from when Phil asked what you were doing and you said you live here."

A moment of silence passed.

"So...I guess he now knows you come here and talk to me?" Tommy asked. "Well, I think, to his knowledge, it was just last night that I did so." Wilbur replied. "Right."

Tommy sat up more, which wasn't much of a change.

"I should probably go. I'll be back tonight, though." Wilbur said as Tommy saw his shadow getting up out of the floor. "Ok...see you later, then."

And then Tommy leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

He wasn't tired, he just didn't have anything do to other than space out and play music in his head for hours.

There were a few times when he found himself humming the tune playing in his mind, making himself stop so Phil wouldn't get mad at him if he heard him.

Words: 705

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