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TW// cussing, talk of hospitals and police, talk of court
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
Two weeks later

Tommy had been in the hospital for two weeks, and he was, from his recovery speed, going to be able to get out in two more weeks, maybe one and a half.

So Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo decided to tell Sam that so they could go ahead and get when the court date was going to be.

A few hours later, they got a call saying it would be the fifteenth after he was let out (if it was two weeks).


Wilbur had that same dream every night, yet it still didn't make any sense to him. He was somewhat warming up to the three. He still didn't remember having a past with them, though.

He was worried about Tommy. Wilbur hadn't been told if he was alright. He had tried calling the hospital and the police station multiple times, but he was always refused any answers for confidentiality reasons. And he understood that, but he still wanted to know how Tommy was.

Wilbur had just gotten off of the phone with the hospital again. Frustrated, he tossed his phone onto his bed and sat down in his desk chair.

He sat there, spaced out for a while until there was a knock at his door.

"Y-Yeah?" He asked. "Hey, Schaltt just got home and I ordered a pizza, so, y'know, if you're hungry. It's not here yet, but it will be soon." Quackity's voice replied. "Oh, alright, I'll be out in a minute."

And then Quackity walked away.

Wilbur got up and picked his phone back up, stuffing it into his pocket and leaving the bedroom.

He walked down the narrow hallway and into the sitting room that was kind of connected to the kitchen/dining area. He looked, seeing Charlie on the sofa, and Quackity and Schaltt standing in the kitchen. Schlatt's was taking off his coat and putting his keys away.

The two made eye contact, and Wilbur just did that awkward smile that you do when you make eye contact with someone, and looked away.

Wilbur looked over, seeing himself on the television...again. It was all over the news that he had been found. He didn't like his face being broadcasted to thousands, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

A picture of slightly younger him showed up on the screen, showing him wearing that hoodie that he always feels so safe in. The blue one with the bird and the clouds.

The volume was up just slightly on the television, and he could hear the person saying that was what he was wearing when he went missing.

"Oh." He whispered to himself. "Pardon?" Charlie asked, looking up from his phone at Wilbur. "Oh, I- I wasn't talking to you, I said 'oh' at the telly." Wilbur nervously laughed. "Ah, alright. What are you 'oh-ing' at?"

"That picture," Wilbur pointed, "I still have that hoodie. I've always felt different in that hoodie...safe. I guess it because that's what I got kidnapped in." He said.

"You...still have that thing?" Quackity asked. "Well, yeah. Why would I get rid of it?" Wilbur replied. "Oh, well I just figured...they...got rid of it."

Wilbur nodded.

"They tried to get me to get rid of it. They told me it belonged to like, my ex or someone before I had my 'accident' but I liked it and since I didn't remember the ex that never even existed, I kept it." He said.

It was quiet for a few moments after that.

"So...uhm...How was work?" Wilbur asked Schlatt, trying to change the subject. "It was good, thanks. Had to deal with a Giga Karen, but, y'know, that's what happens. I can't wait to get back to my old job once the place is fixed." Schlatt replied.

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