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TW// cussing, yelling, crying, name-calling?, being starved, abuse mentions/abuse?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
One week later

Every night when everyone was gone to bed, Wilbur would go talk to Tommy for a while.

The two of them collectively figured out how to get food and water to Tommy. What they did, was Wilbur would get two ziplock bags every day and put a little water in one, and a little food in the other. Then he would slide them under the door to Tommy. He filled them as much as he could so they'd still fit, which wasn't much, still.

Tommy was still starved and thirsty. He was so glad they had figured out some kind of system, though.

Tommy liked to annoy Phil. He would talk very loudly so he was heard and talk about anything he could to annoy him. He would also swear constantly, many times in just one sentence sometimes. Phil swore, but definitely not as much as Tommy was.

"Heyyyy, Phil! Hiii! How are you? Is it fun keeping a god damn child in your hall closet? It's pretty fuckin' cozy in here, you should try it some time! Hey, I think you should get better insulation in here, it was hot before, but now it's just really mother fucking cold!" He yelled.

No answer.

"Or maybe I'm just loosing air? I don't know, because it's a lot fuckin' harder to breathe in here, probably because I'm stuck with my legs against my damn lungs! It's still real cozy, you should try sleeping a week in here!"

Then Tommy god a grand idea. Magnificent as some might say.

"Oh, never mind, my bad, I forgot your old ass back wouldn't be able to handle the hard wood floor for more than ten minutes! Haaaa! Old! L!"

Suddenly there was a bang on the door that sounded like a fist.

"Shut the fuck up, Tommy, before I go in there and fucking make you shut!" Phil yelled.

Tommy flinched, going quiet for a few seconds as he looked at Phil's shoe's shadow from under the door.

But he just couldn't help himself.

"You're too old and feeble to break the jammed door and get to me."

Tommy heard Phil exhale.

"You really don't know when to quit. Techno, can you come here?" He yelled across the house. "Coming!" Techno's distant voice replied.

"W-Woah, woah, wait, Phil, what the fuck are you doing?" Tommy asked, nervously laughing. "I told you to shut up, Tommy, and you didn't listen." Phil answered. "Yeah?" Techno asked. "Can you open this door for me? Since I'm apparently too old to break it myself to get to Tommy to shut him up. And can you also, y'know, get him out." "Yeah, sure."

Tommy felt the door getting shoved a few times before he heard it break around the handle, and then the door opened.

"Sup." Techno said before he grabbed Tommy by his collar, and pulled him out of the dark room. The lights blinded Tommy's eyes for a little bit. Techno was holding Tommy up against the wall. Tommy was genuinely scared. His body trembled, and it was noticeable that he was holding his breath.

"Ok, now what?" Techno asked. "Hold on, I need to find that break-in lock thing that we put on his door last time he was here so we can put him back in there." Phil said, walking off.

It was quiet for a second or two.

"Dude, breathe, he's not gonna kill you for calling him old." Techno laughed. Tommy exhaled the breath he was holding in, and it also came out as a scared squeak-cry.

Then Phil came back with the little lock and a screwdriver, and put it into the wall rather quickly.

"Ok," Phil turned around, "Tommy...do you know what it means when someone tells you to stop doing something?" He asked. Tommy just stared at him. "No? Ok, then, I'll explain. For example, when I told you to shut the fuck up or I would make you, that means you're supposed to...that's right...shut the fuck up! Ok? But what did you do? You didn't."

Tommy flinched each time Phil's tone got louder.

Phil looked down, noticing how Tommy's legs shook like they were asleep from being in an awkward position for so long.

"Let go of him, Techno." He said. So Techno did, and Tommy fell on his side, as he couldn't hold himself up.

"Do you understand what I'm saying, Tommy? I tell you to do something, and you do it. Got it?" Phil asked. Tommy, still, didn't reply. "Ok, Tommy, let's practice this new trick of doing what you're told. Answer what I said before, I like to be answered."

"Yeah, I like to be answered too, but you didn't see me getting that when I was begging you for food or water so I don't die in there, did you?!" Tommy finally spoke, yelling at Phil.

That made Phil mad. He yelled at Tommy, pointing his finger in his face while Tommy was curled up against the wall with his arms over his head, shaking. He swore Phil was going to hit him or something.

"Phil, calm dow-" Techno was cut off. "No, Techno, he needs to learn."

Phil turned back to Tommy and continued to yell, but Tommy blocked out what he was saying. Tears went down Tommy's face and his eyes blurred from them.

Then Tommy saw Wilbur's bedroom door open fast as he ran out.

"What- the fuck is going on?! I've had my headphones in, what the hell are you doing?!" Wilbur asked. Tommy pulled his arms away from his head slightly and looked over at Wilbur for help.

"Don't look at Wilbur! He can't help you!" Phil yelled, making Tommy flinch again and cover his head.

"Did- Did you hit him?" Wilbur gasped. "What? No! I didn't hit him." Phil laughed. "Then why is he on the ground covering himself like you did?!" Wilbur started to walk over. "Because he's a fucking baby. I was just yelling, he's fucking fine."

"He's a child, dad! You can't corner him on the ground and scream at him!" Wilbur scoffed, "I actually can't believe you," He said as he crouched down and hugged Tommy, who immediately threw his arms around Wilbur, squeezing him.

"Did he hit you, Tommy?" Wilbur asked. "No, I didn't." Phil rolled his eyes. "I wasn't asking you, I was asking Tommy. ...Did he, Tommy?" He asked again. Tommy shook his head 'no.' "Good."

"Techno put him back in the fucking closet, please. And make sure you lock it." Phil said, walking away. "O-Ok..." Techno replied quietly, startled at Phil's behavior.

"My god, since when was he such an asshole?" Wilbur asked. "I...don't know where that came from, actually." Techno answered.

It was quiet for a moment. All that was heard was Tommy's sniffs.

"Ok, uhm...I'm sorry, he needs to go back in there before Phil gets madder." Techno said. "It's fine." Tommy replied, holding the sides of his head.

And a few minutes later, he was back in the closet, alone again.

Words: 1,205

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