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3rd person POV
Like months later or something idk

A while had passed.

Wilbur and Techno hardly had to go to therapy anymore, and Tommy never went. Ranboo was his free, personal therapist.

Wilbur had regained many of his memories, and rebuilt his bond with Charlie. He was a lot happier now, and his nose had healed fine. He didn't run into that boy again, thankfully, and Techno was still living with him. Wilbur still called Quackity and Schlatt by their names.

Tubbo had gotten into the groove of his job, and every noise didn't scare him anymore. Sure, he had his bad days, but it wasn't constantly anymore. He had became good friends with Hannah, Fundy, Eret, and Schlatt, as well. He and Ranboo hit to know Quackity and Schlatt well, too.

Tommy's social media had grown a lot more, and he had been made some online friends that he would stream with. A few of their online names were Deo, Bitzel, and Luke. He still got people asking about his past in his chat, but he overlooked those most of the time, occasionally speaking on what the person said if the chatter was being nice about it.

He would be a legal adult in a couple months, and he was so grateful for everything Tubbo and Ranboo had done for him. He didn't know where he'd be if it wasn't for them. On the streets, in a bad foster home, or maybe even being held captive by Phil; Wilbur never have finding out the truth about Phil and getting back to his family.

Currently, Tommy was walking around town with Wilbur and Techno. Wilbur had been very persistent on Techno being with them. Tommy knew why, but he didn't say anything, which was very against his loud mouth.

The three got boba and walked around for a long time.

Wilbur's phone pinged. He looked at it, and then glanced at Tommy.

"Hey, we should head home, Tech." Wilbur said. "Is everything ok?" Techno asked. "Yeah, it it's getting kinda late." "Wilbur, it's three in the afternoon." Techno laughed. "Exactly. Late. We should go."

"Would your dads mind if I came with you, Wilbur? Ranboo and Tubbo aren't home right now, and they won't be for a while." Tommy asked. "Oh, I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Quackity loves you." Wilbur smiled. "Everybody love me, Wilbur."

"Yeah, sure," Wilbur laughed, "Anyways, let's go!"

The three walked down the street, semi-quiet.

When they made it to Wilbur and Tehcno's house, and walked in, Techno was greeted with Wilbur's parents, as well as Ranboo and Tubbo saying "happy birthday!"

Michael was probably with Puffy.

Techno hadn't even realized what day it was, so he had forgotten it was his birthday. And even then, he hadn't told them when his birthday was.

"Errrr- Thank...you..?" Techno laughed. It was probably pretty awkward. Techno didn't know what to say. "How...do you know it's my birthday?" He asked. "I told the,, Techno, obviously!" Wilbur said. Techno nodded.

"Come here, we have something for you!" Quackity said, motioning the three more into the house. "Oh, you- you really didn't have to, I don't need anything." Techno said as he followed Quackity. "No, trust me, your gonna like this. ...I hope." Wilbur smiled.

Quackity handed Techno a small box. It wasn't wrapped or anything, it was just a box with a lid.

Techno opened the lid, and saw papers.

"Wow, paper! My favorite!" He jokingly gasped, then picking up the papers.

There were words, and quite a few of them. Techno only had to skim the page for a few moments before realizing what they were; adoption papers.

"I'm so confused, why is this in here?" He asked, not understanding who they were for. "They're for you!" Quackity said, "For Schlatt and I to...adopt you...and be an official member of the family! You've been living here long enough, and since you don't have any other family, we'd like to make you a part of ours!" He added.

"Wha- Are...Are you joking? I mean, I'm an adult. Can adults be adopted?" Techno asked. "No, we aren't joking. And yes, adults can be adopted, too. But, of course, you don't have to say yes, we just-" Quackity was cut off. "Are you kidding me? Why would I say no?! This is amazing, I- I don't know what to say..." Techno covered his mouth, looking at the paper.

"So...is that a yes?" Quackity asked. "O-Obviously..!" Techno laughed, immediately hugging Quackity, having to bend down some to reach him. Quackity hugged back. Schlatt's wasn't much of a hugger, but Wilbur joined in.

"Now you're actually gonna be my brother." He said, giggling. "Ew, affection." Tommy stuck out his tongue. Wilbur grabbed Tommy, pulling him into the hug, too. "Shut up, Tommy, this wouldn't have happened without you." He said.

Tommy huffed, standing in the hug.

"Now," Quackity pulled from the hug, "Ranboo made you a cake!"

The rest of the day was nice. The cake was good, Ranboo had done a good job on it, and Techno was happy that he finally had an actual family.

Words: 970

I'm sorry that this kind of came to an abrupt ending, but I ran out of ideas, and I've been working on this fic for about three months (been having low motivation and having trouble finding the time to write) and I wanna publish it before I go back to school on August 9th (it's August 5th when I'm writing and publishing this)

I'm surprised it took me so long to make this, even though I had low motivation, because my Trans!Wilbur fic, which is only I think five less chapters than this took me only exactly a month

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