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TW// cussing, talk of kidnapping, being locked in a room, crying, some slight arguing
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy awoke to a still house. It was quiet. Tommy hoped the three had left again so he could call for help.

He grabbed his phone, jumping out of bed, and shoving it into his pocket. He walked over, slowly opening the bedroom door. There were no voices, but it was early, so maybe they were still sleeping.

Tommy went down the hallway, and through the house. He peaked through the kitchen window, seeing no car. But did they have a car? How else would they have gotten his unconscious body here a few days ago? Tommy thought that maybe they had gotten an Uber, but he hoped that they were just gone.

Tommy ran over, grabbing the knob to the back door. Before he turned it, he heard the floor creek. He turned around, hearing footsteps coming from what he thought was the hallway.

Tommy went into the sitting room. He tried to dial 999, but it didn't ring, even with his phone on the internet.

"Are you kidding me?" He whispered to himself. He tried again, and it didn't ring. "Calls don't connect out here." Phil's voice said. Tommy turned around, seeing Phil and Wilbur were actually in there and not in the hallway. Where was Techno?

"Calls? Psh- I wasn't trying to make a call!" Tommy laughed, stepping back a couple of feet. Phil looked over at his phone in his hand, showing that it clearly was on the keypad for typing in numbers.

Phil exhaled.

"If you want to be secretive about getting away, you should close the cabinet before we get home." He said, looking over at the cabinet that was still open from when Tommy was in there the night prior.

Tommy didn't speak.

Phil stood up from where he sat. Wilbur stayed sitting, looking down at the floor. Phil took a few steps towards Tommy, but the distance between the two was still comfortable.

"You know, I want you to have some freedom, but I really don't trust you. Neither does Techno." Phil said. "Ok...your point..?" Tommy questioned. "We don't want to take any chances of you getting away and telling someone about us. Give me the phone; I won't risk it." He said.

"Give you my phone? What are you, my dad?" Tommy asked. "You're lucky you've had it this long. Kidnappers don't exactly let the kids they napped keep their phones for even a day." Phil replied. "I thought you said you didn't kidnap me. Thought you 'saved' me." Tommy glared. "We did save you. But if you're gonna act like we didn't, we'll treat you like we didn't."

Tommy felt his phone get ripped out of his hand from behind him. He whipped around, seeing Techno standing there. Apparently Techno was the one in the hallway.

"So now what?" Techno asked, looking past Tommy to Phil. "Tommy," Phil said, making Tommy look back his way with a scared face, "We've been nice. Wilbur likes you, so we let you keep your phone and roam the house whenever, but you've taken that away from yourself as of last night and a minute ago when you tried calling for help."

"What..?" Tommy asked quietly. "Now, you can either walk on your own, or Techno can drag you. Either way, you will end up back in your room." Phil said.

Tommy would just leave the room again. The lock is on the inside.

Tommy nodded, slowly walking past Techno to go back to the bedroom. Techno and Phil followed. They walked down the hall and Tommy entered the bedroom.

"Now what?" Tommy asked. "You just stay there." Phil replied, closing the door. It was quiet for a second before Tommy heard some quiet rattling. "What are you doing?" He asked. No answer. He heard a click.

"Dad, is this really necessary?" Wilbur's voice asked. "Yes, it is. And if you want to intervene, you can pay that price." Phil replied. "Dad, he's not gonna go anywhere, I'll make sure of it!" "This isn't up for discussion, Wil."

"H-Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Tommy asked again, running over to the door. He grabbed the handle, turning it. The door wasn't locked, but it wouldn't open like something was blocking it.

Tommy kept shaking the door handle, trying to make it open.

On the other side of the door, Techno was walking away, and Wilbur was quietly tying to get Phil to take the lock off. Phil had put on one of those break#in-prevention locks on the door so it wouldn't budge.

One of these:

"Come on, Dad, you can't do this, he's a kid

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"Come on, Dad, you can't do this, he's a kid." Wilbur said. "Do you want us all to go to jail if he gets out?" Phil replied. "He won't leave! I'll stay home with him all the time!" "No, Wilbur. He's gonna stay in there. That door will open only when we're bringing him food or if he needs to use the restroom."

"Why are you being so cruel?" Wilbur asked. "Because we kidnapped him, Wilbur! Legally, we're kidnappers! Kidnappers don't treat their victims with kindness."

Wilbur didn't believe they had kidnapped Tommy. In his mind, they had helped Tommy. But Wilbur did tend to act like he had a screw loose often.

"Come on." Phil said, walking away. Wilbur followed after him.

Tommy had stopped trying to open the door. He leaned his forehead against the door, trying his best to not cry. He knew that he was never getting out of there.

With one last push on the door and one more word, hoping he was heard, he spoke.


Wilbur liked Tommy for some reason so Tommy hoped Wilbur would help him.

He heard Wilbur say a quiet "dad..." that was replied with a stern "no," and then silence.

Tommy choked on the knot in his throat, sliding down the wall next to the door into that curled up position he was in the day prior.

He was hopeless.

Words: 1,020

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