
271 13 10

TW// cussing, kidnapping mentions, being missing, stealing a car?, talk of getting arrested
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
at the ~ in the last chapter

Three days had passed. It was around how much time it took Tommy to wake up after being took. Tommy actually hoped Michael wasn't awake. He didn't know if he had been drugged, but he hoped that, if he had been drugged, that he was still sleeping, not having to deal with the three.

It was Ranboo's day off from work. His boss wouldn't even give him a day, let alone a week, off that wasn't already his original days off, even though his kid was missing. Because it was their only day of freedom, he and Tubbo weren't home. They had went to go inform Puffy on what had happened since she was close to the small family. Tommy offered to go with them, but they decided to go alone.

Tommy understood that. It was their kid.

Plus, Tommy kinda wanted to stay home and think.

Think about what to do.

He knew where the house was, and he knew that there was no way Phil had moved homes since being in a secluded home with no internet was the best place to kidnap someone.

All he had to do was...go there, right?

Or at least get the police to go there.

Though, the police can't really go and make an arrest without more evidence than "I was there, that's the house," especially since Tommy wasn't ever injured.

Tommy was sitting on the sofa in front of the black-screened television, silent.

There wasn't a single noise in the house.

He looked up at the clock on the wall.

It was 10:58 pm.

Ranboo and Tubbo had left at 10:30, and it was about a thirty minute walk to Puffy's house.

They'd probably stay there for an hour, and then it was another thirty minute walk back.

So Tommy had an hour and about thirty two minutes to make up his mind.

(I think I did that math right?)

Now, Tommy had never drove a car...but...

...YOLO, right? He's gonna save a kid.

And could it really be that hard? Gas, break, the gear shift is literally labeled, and all he had to make sure of was staying in his lane and going the speed limit.

Tommy stood up from the sofa and jogged upstairs to his room. He opened his closet and and his mind set on one word.


He needed something that he could wear and not be seen from in the tree line. Something that he could wear to blend into the shadows of the forest.

His pink hair would definitely stand out, so he needed to cover that.

He grabbed a black ball cap, and the darkest hoodie he owned, which was a dark dark purple that was almost black. He grabbed a pair of black cargo pants. His shoes and socks were black, so he didn't have to worry about that.

He put the black hat on, and then the hoodie on top of that, flipping the hood over the hat. The cargo pants were just a little baggy, but he didn't own many dark-colored trousers, so they'd have to do.

He hoped they wouldn't get caught on anything.

He looked around his room for a moment, picking up his black mask, putting it on, and then grabbing his rucksack.

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