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TW// cussing, hospital mention, people being naggy and stoopid, injuries/burns, hearing loss? & blindness?, not liking how oneself looks
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
two weeks later

Tubbo had gotten back home a week and three days after arriving at the hospital. He had a surprisingly fast recovery, but he felt antsy staying at home all day, barely even going outside on the porch.

He was used to being out all day, nearly every day, working and doing things. It felt strange for him to not be running around at work, or having his hands doing something like carrying heavy machinery or typing on a computer.

Tommy had been doing his best to avoid Twitter and really just any social media for the past couple of weeks. The clip of him getting the call from Ranboo the day of the accident had millions of views over several platforms, and #isTubboOk and #PositiveWishesForTubbo were trending on Twitter.

Tommy, with Tubbo's permission, had made a short Tweet asking people to stop DMing him and stop asking questions because it was a private, family ordeal that the whole world didn't need to know.

Of course, though, thousands of people still nagged him about it.

It was inevitable when you have so many people seeing you every day.

Tommy had apologized numerous times to Tubbo for the call being caught on camera, and the world knowing that something had happened.

Tubbo was very unsuccessful in making Tommy understand that it wasn't his fault, and that Tubbo wasn't upset with him. Tubbo knew that Tommy had no idea about what was going to happen, so he couldn't have prevented it from being recorded live.

Tommy still felt bad about it, though, because some people had somehow found Tubbo's personal Twitter account and were spamming his DMs asking what had happened. Tommy had made sure to personally DM those people on his own account, as well as making a tweet telling people to leave Tubbo alone, although he knew people wouldn't.

Tubbo had decided to just turn off his Twitter notifications until the whole thing blew over, and when Tommy found out, he decided to do the same.

Tubbo's face was still bandaged, because he refused to take the bandages off. He didn't want to see himself, and he didn't want others to see him. He didn't know what he looked like, but he assumed it wasn't the best.

He was also scared that Michael would be afraid of him.

Tubbo was sat on the sofa while Ranboo and Tommy were standing kind of in front of him.

"The doctors said to not keep the bandages on for too long, Tubbo." Ranboo stated, though, Tubbo already knew that. "I don't care, I'm not taking them off." He replied. "You need to, Tubbo, you can't go back to work when you can't hear or see from that side of your face because of them."

Tubbo turned his head away for a few seconds in silence.

"What about Michael?" He asked.

"What about him?" Ranboo replied.

There was a short pause.

"What if I scare him?"

Tommy and Ranboo looked at each other for a moment.

"You won't, he probably won't even pay any attention. And I doubt you look all that bad. It's just a few burns." Tommy smiled. Tubbo exhaled, leaning his left elbow on the arm of the sofa and resting his head in his hand.

"When you said I can't go back to work when I can't hear or see from this side of my face because of the bandages. What if I can't see or hear even when they're off? Do I just not work anymore?" He asked. "I...guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I doubt they won't take you back, though, not many other people are probably gonna go back after they're recovered." Ranboo shrugged.

Tubbo exhaled, running his hand through his hair.

"Fine. I'll take them off. But only because I wanna go back to work...if I can." He said. Ranboo and Tommy both smiled. "Great! Uh, do you want some help?" Ranboo asked. "Yeah, uh, I don't know where the start is so I can unwrap it." Tubbo nodded.

Ranboo motioned for Tubbo to scoot over a tad so they could sit down sort of behind but also next to Tubbo. When they found the end, he unwrapped it slightly.

"Do you want me to do it or do you want to?" They asked. "You, please." Tubbo replied.

Ranboo nodded and began to u wrap the bandages from Tubbo's face.

After about thirty seconds of slowly unwrapping the bandages incase Tubbo's face would hurt, they were off.

The right side of his face had burn scars everywhere, and there was a little bit of his ear that was a bit misshapen.

"Well, you don't look half as bad as you're probably thinking!" Ranboo smiled, "Give it a few months, and I think it'll be pretty faint. Can you hear out of that ear now that it's uncovered?" They asked. Tubbo shrugged. "Yeah, but it's kinda quiet. It's not too bad, though."

There was still a patch over Tubbo's eye, though.

"Ok, now let me get this off." Ranboo reached, taking off the white patch around Tubbo's eye. When his eye was uncovered, Tommy and Ranboo saw that it was glazed over with a thick white hue. His eye was almost completely white, but you could still very slightly see the color of it underneath.

"Can...you see, boss man?" Tommy asked. Tubbo furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, you took it off already?" He asked. Ranboo nodded. "All of it?" "Yeah...all of it."

"I-I can't see anything, it's- it's like my eye is closed." He laughed an upset laugh, tears forming.

"That's- That's ok! I mean, we knew your vision there wouldn't be 20/20 anymore, it's just-" Ranboo was cut off. "Yeah, it's fucking 0/20, I can't see shit!" Tubbo said, clearly very upset.

"Can you tell? Is it obvious I'm blind? Or- Or does it just look like my normal eye?" He asked.

Ranboo and Tommy looked at each other.

"Well-" Tommy cut himself off when Tubbo stood up and headed for the nearest mirror, which was in the restroom. The two followed him and Tubbo made it to the mirror long before Ranboo and Tommy did.

When the two entered, they saw Tubbo just kind of looking at himself.

"It's really not bad looking at all! I mean, it's obvious you were in an accident, so nobody's gonna say anything unless they're maybe just asking what happened!" Ranboo smiled. "Are you fucking insane? This is hideous!" Tubbo covered his mouth, holding up his body weight with one hand on the sink.

"What? No! It's not! It doesn't look that bad, and we told you, once it heals for a few months, it'll be faint!" Tommy frowned. Tubbo shook his head. "How the hell am I gonna cover this?" He whispered to himself, pushing his hair in front of it, hoping that it would do something (it didn't).

He inhaled and sighed out loudly, visibly upset in so many different ways.

"I'll figure something out," He said. "I'm gonna go to bed, it's getting late." He turned and squeezed past the two, leaving the small restroom.

"Are you sure? It's only four pm." Ranboo said with slanted eyebrows. "I'm tired." Tubbo replied as he walked off. "Ok...let us know if you need anything!" "Will do."

Tubbo disappeared upstairs, and the rest of the day was quiet since Michael was at Puffy and his friend Henry's house.

Words: 1,280

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