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TW// hospital, doctors, burns, last chapter's events mentions, picking at bandages?, homophobia
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy ran down the street towards the house where Michael was with a friend. His friends name was Henry, and Henry lived with his Aunt Puffy. When Tommy made it to the small house, he went up onto the porch, knocking at the door. Within just seconds, the door opened, revealing Puffy.

"Oh my, I've been expecting you or Ranboo. I saw the news, please tell me Tubbo is ok!" She said.

Michael and Henry hung out so much that Puffy, Tommy, Ranboo, and Tubbo had became good friends themselves.

Puffy was like a mother to Tommy, though.

"He's uh- well I- I honestly don't know. I just came from the site, and he's really badly burned on the right side of his face down to his right hand. He's on the way to the hospital right now, I've just came to get Michael and take him there." Tommy answered Puffy.

"Oh, no, I hope he'll be ok," She covered her mouth, "I'll go get Michael."

She then ran off with the door still open. Michael and Henry were apparently near, probably in the sitting room, because Tommy could hear them.

"Michael, buddy, Uncle Tommy is here to pick you up." She said. "Aw, why? It's so early!" Michael pouted. "I know, but something has happened and you must go. I'll let Tommy explain what happened."

Then Tommy heard the two coming back towards the door. Michael slid into his shoes and came outside. He was very obedient, and didn't really ever complain when needing to do something he didn't want to.

"Please call me or something and let me know how he is later." Puffy said. "I will." Tommy replied, taking Michael's hand and beginning to leave.

"What happened?" Michael asked, looking up at Tommy. "Why are we walking so fast?" "Well, I think I better get you to Boo before I start to explain what happened. Since he's your dad, he may wanna tell you." Tommy replied. Michael nodded.

"Did someone get hurt?" He asked. "Yes, they did."

"Is it someone I know?"

"It is."

There was a pause.

"Is it one of my dads?"

Tommy looked down at Michael who just looked back with slightly tilted, saddened eyebrows.

"We can talk about what happened when we get where we're going." He said.


A while later, when the two arrived at the hospital, Michael began to feel slightly frightened. He didn't understand what was going on, but he knew that hospitals were where people went when they were really hurt or sick.

They walked in and went up to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, I need to know a room number for someone who should have arrived here a few minutes ago." Tommy said. "Name?" The lady replied. "Tubbo Underscore-Beloved."

The lady typed loudly on her keyboard for a moment.

"Wait, Bee's hurt?" Michael asked quietly. "I'll explain in a bit, ok?" Tommy lightly smiled.

"Yes, he's here, but only family is allowed to see him at the moment." She said. "I would assume so, but, we are family. This is his adopted son, and he's fostering me, if fostering counts." Tommy replied.

"Can you prove that, by any chance?" She asked. "What?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows. "Can you prove that you're being fostered. It says here that he does have a son, but I'm not seeing a foster kid."

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