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TW// cussing, kidnapping, police, talk of possessiveness, injury mentions, investigation?, brainwashing mention, kinda crying?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
two weeks later because why tf not?

Michael ended up paying almost no attention to Tubbo's scars. The first time he saw them was when he asked just a couple of questions, but he hadn't talked about them since. Tubbo was unbelievably grateful for that.

There still had been no signs of Phil, Techno, of Wilbur...

Ranboo was at work, Tubbo hadn't gone back to work (there was still some construction and rebuilding going on), and Tommy was just doing absolutely nothing work related.

Tubbo and Tommy were just watching television and chatting, when Tommy looked over at the clock on the wall and realized that he was almost late to pick up Michael from school.

"Oh- shit! I've gotta go get Michael!" He gasped, jumping up from the sofa. "Fuck, uh, do you want me to come with?" Tubbo replied. "No, no, it's fine, uhm, it'll probably be faster if it's just me, anyways."

"True, I can't run for shit. ...You're running, right?" Tubbo asked. "Yes, I'm fucking running, I was supposed to be at the school five minutes ago!" Tommy laughed. "Ok, well, be fast! I'd hate for the staff to get mad!" "Will do!"

Tommy ran out of the house, and ran as fast as he could down the street, while also trying to not look like a mad man. He didn't have a car. The only one they owned the one small, yellow one with the painted-on bees, but Ranboo takes that to work everyday. When both Ranboo and Tubbo both go to work, Ranboo drops off Tubbo before going to his own work.

And Tommy can't drive anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Tommy arrived at the school fifteen minutes after the day was over. He was sure nearly everybody was gone, and he was honestly embarrassed.

He walked into the school and went to the office, where the secretary smiled at him.

"Hey, Tom, everything ok? I was about to head home for the day!" She said. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine? Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time." Tommy replied nervously.

The secretary tilted her head, confused.

"I'm sorry, what do you mean you lost track of time?" She asked. "Uh, I wasn't watching the clock so now I'm late picking up Michael..?" He laughed slightly, "I- don't really get why you're confused."

"Tom, Michael's already been picked up earlier."

Tommy paused, trying to read her face to see if she was joking.

She was not.

"What- do you mean Michael's been picked up? One of his dads are at work and the other is at home recovering from an injury." Tommy said, beginning to feel panic rise inside of him. "His uncle picked him up, no?" She replied, seeming just has worried as Tommy. "Do- Do you know his name?"

"I believe he said he was Michael's Uncle Phil."

Tommy could swear his heart stopped beating.

He had so many questions come to him at once.

How did Phil find out where Michael went to school?

How could the school let some random guy they've never seen take one of the students?

Isn't that illegal?

Why did Phil take Michael?

...Was it to get Tommy back?

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