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TW// cussing, mentions of last chapter, pushing someone to talk about personal stuff
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

A few days later, Tommy posted on Twitter that he was going to be doing a very short stream to just briefly address what had happened on his last stream, but also stating that he wouldn't answer certain questions that were asked.

It was a Sunday, so everyone was home. There was obviously no school, and most people are just off on Sundays as it is.

Tommy was in his room, about to start his stream, when Ranboo knocked on the door, and Tommy let them in.

"Hey! I was just about to start a stream, what's up?" Tommy asked. "I uh..saw your Tweet. You know you don't have to give them an explanation, right? It's not their business." Ranboo replied.

Tommy exhaled, nodding.

"I know I don't, but I want to. I know quite a few people are just nosey, but there's even more that seem actually concerned. Plus, I feel like it'll raise an even bigger fuss about it if I just go silent on the subject." He said.

"That's fair. Just stay to what you said in your tweet, don't feel like you have to answer every question." Ranboo said. "I'll make sure of it."

"I won't be on the stream because I'm gonna help Tubbo make some food, but if something goes bad and you need me afterwards just call. I'll leave you alone unless you do."

And then, Ranboo left.

A few minutes later, Tommy started his stream, and within a minute, hundreds of people were already watching.

"Ello chat! Just gonna wait a bit longer before we start. Im sure most of you have seen my tweet, so please be respectful as if I want to answer a question or not." He said, spinning in his chair as he read over chat.

Once there were some more people in, he started to actually read off some questions people were saying in chat.

"Someone said; 'so wtf happened?.' I mean, you can basically answer that yourself if you watch the VOD." He chuckled, going silent as he tried to read the messages that flew by quickly. He decided I set the chat to slow mode.

"Were they just crazy fans; I haven't watched the VOD...Uhm, I honestly don't know, they could be? Like, I don't know if they watch me or not, but they're certainly crazy." Tommy swayed to the sides in his spiny chair.

"Wait so do you know who they are; some people pointed out how you looked like you got tense when you saw them...I uh, yeah, I do. I know who they are on a personal level...Who are they? Just some guys. It doesn't really matter."

Tommy continued to read off questions and answer them. There were just a couple that he chose not to answer, like why they seemed so eager for Tommy to go with them.

A little while passed of Tommy jumping around in Minecraft and ignoring the stupid joke questions like "gimmie their address I'll fuck 'em up" and stuff like that.

But then someone did a donation to be sure that Tommy would see their message.

"How do I know the people...I don't really wanna answer that, sorry, chat." Tommy smiled under his mask, being respectful. Then another donation came through from the same person. "But why, what's the harm in telling us...Well, I mean, there isn't any harm, it's just personal information that I don't wish to share."

Tommy shifted in his seat some, seeing many people in chat telling the donor to stop pushing him, and that he didn't have to answer.

Then the person said something again.

Tommy didn't even read it aloud, since it showed on the screen, he figured he didn't have to, plus, he didn't want to.

The message read: "I bet they're your family or something that you ran from considering you're not actually related to the people you live with, AND you're a minor. Plus that old one with blonde hair kinda looked like you, like, hair wise, since yours is naturally blonde."

Tommy cringed at the thought that he looked like Phil. The viewers really only know Tommy's real hair color from whenever he doesn't dye it regularly and it starts to show through.

"Ok, man, that was just really fucked up of you to say. It's not your business, but they aren't my family, and I didn't run from my family. I live with Ranboo and Tubbo for my own reasons. We weren't even friends before I moved in, we barely knew each other. They just took me in because I needed it." Tommy said, not making eye-contact with the camera, but looking at chat.

Chat was yelling at the person who was being a dick to Tommy, calling them a pushy bastard and an asshole.

Tommy just watched for a few moments before finishing up his stream with some goodbyes and forced smiles.

Tommy recalled Ranboo telling him to call for him if something went wrong and he wanted to talk, but Tommy didn't want to talk. He just wanted to be alone.

So he just went over and put in his earbuds, played some music, and laid there in his bed for a long while.

Words: 900

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