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TW// being locked up, not eating or drinking, not caring if oneself dies
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
Two days later

Tommy hadn't left the room once. Nor had he ate or drank anything. He was going to die here one day, so he figured, why not make it soon and just starve or thirst to death in this room instead of living years of his life in this room?

Tommy didn't sit on the bed. He sat on the floor in an about three foot wide gap between the wall and the dresser in the corner. He sat there for hours until his whole body ached, and still, he didn't move. This corner was on the far side of the room from the door.

He had scavenged the whole room looking for things to occupy himself. He found a Yo-Yo, a nerf gun with no bullets, a box of very light pink hair dye and plastic gloves that he assumed was Techno's for whenever he dyed his hair, a rucksack, and a cloth black face mask.

He heard a click and a knock at the door before it opened. Wilbur stood there holding a plate of food and a cup with probably water.

"Uhm...I brought you some food." He said. Tommy nodded, messing with the yo-yo he found. "Where'd you get that?" Wilbur asked. "Closet," Tommy replied, pausing, "Don't take it, please." He whispered. "Take it? Why would I take it? Just don't let my dad or Tech see you with it." Tommy nodded.

Wilbur sat the plate of food and cup water down on the dresser, seeing the two other plates and cups from the last two days sitting there untouched.

"Have you not ate?" He asked. "Does it look like I have?" Tommy replied.

Wilbur exhaled, crouching next to Tommy in the floor.

"Tommy..." He began. Tommy cut him off. "What? What is it? Are you just gonna tell me I need to eat? Because I'm not going to. For all I know, it's spiked with something! Plus, I'd rather die soon than live the rest of my life in this room." He said.

Wilbur looked sad at this and lost from words.

"Just take the food. I'm not gonna eat it and it's gonna go bad." Tommy said. Wilbur nodded, standing back up. "Can I at least leave the water?" He asked. "If you want. I'm not gonna drink it, though."

Wilbur nodded, took the food, and left the three cups of water.

Tommy continued to play with the yo-yo for a while.

The day was long. Tommy wondered how long it took to starve/thirst to death. He heard that a human can survive a week or two without water, but he didn't wanna wait that long. He hoped the starvation on top of the thirst would make it happen faster.

There was a click and a knock before his door opened.

He looked up, seeing Phil.

Tommy immediately put the yo-yo behind him, hoping Phil hadn't seen it since the room was dark.

"Wilbur said you're not eating." He said. "That's correct." Tommy replied. "Why aren't you?" Phil asked. Tommy shrugged. "Don't feel hungry."

That wasn't a complete lie. For Tommy's whole life, if he feels in danger, he doesn't get hungry. He guessed his body was just more focused on survival than hunger.

"You've gotta eat, mate." Phil said. Tommy scrunched his face up. "Mmm. Not really, though." He said. "Tommy, that's what food is for. You'll die, mate."

Tommy looked back and fourth for a second.

"Ok..? Your point?" He asked, looking away from Phil, "And I'm not your 'mate.' Quit calling me that." He added.

Phil exhaled, turning around and closing the bedroom door. Tommy heard the lock click shut from the outside, and he was left in the dark, cold room once more.

Tommy reached behind him, getting his yo-yo back. It was a cheap thing that looked like it was probably out of one of those gumball machine things.

He wished he had at least some simple music to listen to. Music can be so therapeutic and calming, no matter the genre of it, and if anyone thinks otherwise, they're wrong. Music was something Tommy listened to whenever he wanted to clear his mind and zone out, but he couldn't do that.

So he hummed tunes to himself.

Tommy definitely wasn't a Lana Del Rey stan and a lover of her One Upon a Dream cover.

And that's definitely not what he was humming.

Words: 765

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