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TW// none?

3rd person POV

Tubbo's shift was over. He was waiting just inside the building to see Ramboo pull up in their car as the people on night shift came into the building.

He shifted on his feet, swaying awkwardly as he waited.

"Hey!" He heard.

He turned around, seeing that it was Hannah who spoke, and she walked with Fundy, Eret, and Schlatt behind her.

"You alright? You've been standing here for a while," She said, "Well- not that I've been watching you or anything! My subconscious just noticed; I've been over there by the front desk with these three." She added. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, thank you. I'm just waiting for my ride." Tubbo smiled.

"Oh, alright, I was thinking you didn't have a ride home or something." She said. "Yeah, I do. Thanks, though." Tubbo replied. "Mhm! Anywho, do you mind if I stand with you while you wait? I don't have anywhere to be." "Oh, sure, I don't mind."

"Bye, Hannah!" Fundy and Schlatt said in unison as they left through the glass doors. "Bye!" Hannah waved back.

"So is your husband picking you up?" Eret asked. "Yeah, he is." Tubbo nodded. "Eret is my ride home today. My car broke down, so it's in the shop." Hannah sighed.

Then Tubbo saw Ranboo pull up in their car.

"Oh, that's him." Tubbo pointed to the car. "Oh, cuteee! Your car is so adorable!" Hannah squeaked. "Thank you." Tubbo chuckled.

"We'll walk you out!" Eret said, heading towards the doors with Tubbo, who just nodded.

The three stepped outside and headed towards the car, and as they neared, the backseat window rolled down.

"Hi, Bee!" Michael smiled, popping his head through the opening.

"Oh my god, is that your son?" Hannah gasped. "Yeah, he is." Tubbo nodded. "He is so cute, I'm melting." She out her hand over her heart. "Aw, thanks." Tubbo smiled, laughing slightly.

Tubbo opened the passenger door and got in.

"Hi! You must be Ranboo?" Hannah asked, leaning down to look through the car. "Uhm- yeah! I am!" Ranboo replied, slightly confused. "Tubbo told us about you; it's nice to meet you!" She said. "You too!"

Ranboo's 'you too' sounded very confused.

"This is Hannah and Eret." Tubbo said. Ranboo nodded. "Well we better go before Tommy does something stupid." They said. "Right, uhm, bye, Hannah, Eret! See you tomorrow." Tubbo waved the two goodbye. "Bye, Tubbo!"

Then, the two walked away.

"So how was it?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo exhaled. "Stressful. Every machine noise made me jump." He replied. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'll get used to it in a week or two."

It was quiet, and then Tubbo remembered Schlatt.

"Oh my god, you know Wilbur's dad? The taller one?" He asked. "Yeah..? What about him?" Ranboo questioned. "He works with me, like, five desks away in the same room!" "That's crazy! I didn't know he worked there."

"Yeah. ...And I did confirm that I am the only injured person that came back, and also the only person from my old department...because, well, everyone in my department got hurt." Tubbo said. "Sheesh. How awkward is that? Did anyone say anything to you about it?" Ranboo asked. "No, not really. Just my boss when he told me. ...And it's very awkward."

"I bet it is. You're probably tired, so we should go home now." Ranboo said.

"That's sounds like a fantastic plan."

Words: 580

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