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TW// none?

3rd person POV
like maybe a month or two later
(idk how long it takes to find a house and buy it)

The four moved to the far end of town from where they already were. It was a good ten miles or more, but in all about an hour and a half drive from where they already lived.
(Idk how much distance is to travel time)

Not all of their bags and boxes were unpacked yet, because they had gotten everything moved into the house very late at night, so everything was piled up in the sitting room.

Tommy woke up surprisingly early that morning. His phone charger had gotten buried in the pile of boxes, and his phone was nearly dead. He was bored, and also wanted to do something to thank Ranboo and Tubbo for all they had done for him.

So he thought, why not do something that he sucks at but is fun, and bake them something?

Tommy quietly left his new, nice bedroom, and went downstairs

He moved around boxes in the sitting room until he found a few that said 'Kitchen' on them. He took each box into the kitchen one by one before opening them. In one was dishes (plates, bowls, silverware, etcetera), one had pots and pans, and the other couple had food.

The cold foods like milk and meat and such were put into the fridge before they all slept the night prior.

Tommy dug through the boxes, searching for some kind of batter for a cake or something. When he found himself unsuccessful, he decided to make them some cookie dough, because who doesn't love cookie dough?

And so, he got to work.

Tommy wasn't the best at baking, but there's no way it could be that hard right? For Tommy, who had never really baked anything before, it wasn't too difficult.

Tommy decided to go ahead and bake some of the dough incase one of them liked baked cookies more than dough.

Something Tommy's mum let him do very rarely, though, was make a sandwich out of two cookies with dough between them. Like an ice cream sandwich, but only cookie.

Smaller Tommy could have lived off of sugar.

Tommy was leaned on the counter, rolling some of the dough into balls, when he heard footsteps. He looked that way, seeing Ranboo walking into the kitchen.

"Oh, you're awake already! This uhm....this was supposed to be done before you got up, uh....I- I was trying to do something for you since you've done so much for me and I- just- I couldn't think of anything besides this, so-" Tommy's rambling was cut short by Ranboo, who noticed that Tommy was rambling because he was nervous.

"This is so thoughtful, Tommy..! I never thought you'd be a baker!" They smiled, walking over next to Tommy at the counter. "Well, I'm not, but my mum was. I uh...watched her bake a lot when I was little and too young to use the oven and stuff. I like- kept her company while she baked." Tommy replied.

Ranboo nodded.

"So she sort of taught you how to bake without actually teaching you?" He asked. Tommy nodded. "I am doing this right, aren't I? Or do I flatten the dough?" "No, no, you put them into balls like you're doing, but you can't put them on the pan like that." Ranboo smiled.

He went over to one of the boxes and pulled out some parchment paper.

"You've gotta put them on here in the pan so they don't stick." He said. "Ohhh! Shit- I knew I was forgetting something! God damnit- I'm actually glad you woke up before I was done." Tommy rolled his eyes at himself.

"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙...𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑈𝑠, 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒." | 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now