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TW// cussing, talk of like everything from last chapter, being tied up, crying, talk of police, kidnapping, being locked up in a room
I think that's all?

3rd Person POV

Tommy's head was a blur. He felt like he had a cold. He figured it's was from being stuck in the rain for so long the night prior. He then realized that the surface under him was soft and comfortable like a bed, but he didn't recall ever making it home.

That's when he remembered those guys finding him and supposedly putting something in his drink.

Tommy sat up fast, seeing that this definitely wasn't his new bedroom. As a matter of fact, if these people kidnapped him, why did they even give him an actual room, he wondered?

He stood up from the bed, making the floor creek under him. He froze, waiting for a reaction from the three. Nothing came. Apparently they didn't hear. Tommy tried walking towards the door, but was held back. That's when he noticed that one of his arms was tied to the bed frame with a rope that was tightly bound around his wrist.

He tried to untie it with his one available hand, but it wouldn't budge, so he began to look around the room for anything he could use to cut the rope. He didn't see anything of use, but he spotted his phone on a dresser a few feet away.

Frantic to reach the phone to call for help, he tried moving the bed so he could get closer. He had moved a bed before when he was moving homes, so he could do it again. Especially since he figured this was life or death.

Then he heard a voice, so he stopped, listening. The voice was in the room directly beside of him. Then another voice spoke, and then another. It sounded like the three guys. Or, two of them did. He never heard the brunette one speak so he wasn't sure if that's who the third voice was.

"Are you sure you didn't put much in his drink? His been out for three days." The one Tommy thought might be the brunette said. "I'm not dumb, I knew what I was doing. He's fine." The recognizable voice of the old blonde one replied.

'Why do they care?' Tommy wondered, "They literally kidnapped me.'

"If you want me to, I'll go check on him for the thousandth time and make sure he's breathing, Wil." The monotone voice of the pink-haired one said.

Tommy heard a chair scoot like someone was standing up, then that noise twice more, and then footsteps mixed with quiet talking.

Tommy's hand was just barely out of reach from his phone. He glanced at the bed, and then to the wall where the voices were coming from. He grabbed the rope with his free hand and pulled it. The bed screeched across the wooden floor a foot or so with a loud, nails-on-a-chalkboard like sound.

Tommy froze.

The voices stopped.

"I think he's awake." Pinky said from almost directly outside of the door. "Move over, mate." The older one said.

Footsteps came near the door and Tommy grabbed his phone and the nearest somewhat dangerous item he could. It was some decorative glass bottle that looked very smash-able.

The door opened and the three guys stood there.

"Good morning! How're you feeling?" The old one asked. "What?" Tommy relied. "I asked how you're-" "Yes, I know, I fucking heard you, but what?"

The old one raised a confused eyebrow, looking back at the other two. The pink-haired one shrugged, so he turned back around.

"You look a bit pale. You may have caught a cold from the rain. Would you like some soup or medicine? Both?" He asked. "You're crazy if you think I'll be eating anything or taking any medication from you lot after what you did to me." Tommy said, trying to hide his shake.

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