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TW// cussing, talk of some stuff from early chapters (Tommy's attempted suicide and being starved), arguing, yelling, some brief kidnapping mentions
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur was by himself in his room, when he received a text from Tommy.

Tommy 👶

I didn't know ur dad
worked with Tubbo 😨

Oh yeah they do
I found that out a couple
weeks ago


It never came up ¯\_()_/¯

Well then >:[


Anyways I'm bored
Wanna meet somewhere?

It's 9:00pm...


I'm down

Yes! (•̀•́)و

Where you wanna meet?

That park with the big tree
in the middle?

Idk where that is

Then google it dumbass

Bro :(

It's beside of the concrete/tile store
place thingy called Slab City

Got it, I'll be there whenever

(Does anyone else know what "Slab City" is from an old Tommy video?)

Wilbur googled "Slab City," got the directions, grabbed his coat, and left his bedroom. He walked into the sitting room where Quackity, Schlatt, Charlie, and Techno were.

"Hey," He called out, "Do you mind if I go out for a while?" He asked. "This late? It's already dark out." Quackity replied. "I know, but I'll be fine. I won't get my nose broke again." "Its not even healed." Techno said. Wilbur just nodded.

"I mean, I don't mind if you go. As long as you're safe." Quackity said.

Wilbur looked at Schlatt, figuring his opinion mattered as well.

"Yeah, that's fine. Just try to be back before midnight if you can." He said.

"I will, thanks."

Then, Wilbur left, and followed the directions for a long time until he made it to a building called Slab City, with a park next to it.

Wilbur walked into the park and looked around, spotting a boy sitting on a bench, swinging his legs and looking down at the grass. Wilbur didn't think it was Tommy, because Tommy's hair was now blonde, and this boy had pink and black split hair, and was wearing a mask.

Wilbur walked that way, and when the boy heard Wilbur's footsteps and looked up, Wilbur saw that it was indeed Tommy.

"There you are! Took you long enough!" Tommy said, sitting up more straight. "Sorry, it's a long walk. Uhm- I didn't recognize you for a second because of your hair!" Wilbur replied. "Yeah, blonde was boring and I was used to pink, but pink it bland, so I did this." Tommy shrugged. "It looked great!" "Thanks."

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