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TW// cussing, police, ambulance, being locked up, starvation, being arrested, yelling/arguing?, crying, kidnapping talks, not remembering stuff, slight talk of being drugged, head injury mention
I think that's all?

Idk why I didn't turn this into multiple chapters I'm dead after writing this, it took me like three days to write.....5k+ words.....

3rd person POV
A month after last chapter cus why not I'm evil

Ranboo and Tubbo had been waiting for any information on Tommy, but they hadn't received anything.

Apparently Tommy's words and Michael's words weren't enough evidence to go to the house and arrest the people. They apparently needed Physical evidence? Like something that could be held.

That is, until this night.

Ranboo's phone rang. It was an unknown number, but he answered it anyways.

"Hello?" He answered. "Hi, is this Ranboo?" The voice asked. "Yes, this is."

"Great! This is Sam, and a few officers and I were wondering if you could help us with something?"

Tubbo heard the sentence and gave Ranboo a look, so they put their phone on speaker.

"Ok! Anything you need, what- what is it?" Ranboo asked. "So we know where the house is that your son, Michael, said he was at and where Tommy is...again. There's only one house even anyway near where he estimated how far he had traveled. The owner of the house's name is Philip Watson." Sam said. "Oh, that's great! Have- you went there yet?" Ranboo replied.

"Well, no, we can't exactly just go to somebody's home and walk in accusing them of kidnapping, so that's why we need you. Do you by any change still have the clothes Tommy wore the last time he was at that house? And are they unwashed since then?" Sam asked.

"Oh my god, y-yes, we do! He kept them unwashed!" Ranboo replied. "Fantastic. If we can get Wilbur's fingerprints off of those clothes and match them to the ones from in his bedroom before he went missing, that would be enough evidence for a warrant, and we'd be able to go to the house, arrest the two, and get Wilbur and Tommy back to their homes." Sam said.

"Yes, of course! I'll- I'll go find them, and I'll bring them down to the station right now." Ranboo said as he stood up. "The sooner the better!" Sam replied. "Ok, I'm gonna go now, I'll be there soon."

And then Ranboo hung up.

"Can you help me look for them so we can find it faster?" Ranboo asked Tubbo. "Already planning on it." He replied.

The two went up to Tommy's room and looked around in his closet and drawers, while also being respectful to Tommy's privacy.

"Hey, would this be it?" Tubbo asked, holding up a clear bag that had so,e clothes in it. Ranboo looked at it for a moment. "Yeah! Yeah, that's what he was wearing when we met him! Give me that, you go get Michael, I'll start the car."

Ranboo took the bag from Tubbo and ran downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing the car keys out of a draw and heading outside. They got into the car and put the key into the ignition.

Ranboo pulled out his phone and dialed Puffy's number. He hoped she would answer even though it was late.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it answered.

"Ranboo? What's up, it's so late." She yawned. "Hi, yeah, I know, I'm so sorry, but can we bring Michael to you? It's really urgent." Ranboo replied. "What's going on?" She asked.

She had already been told what happened to Tommy a year ago, and also that he had been taken back. She knew all the tea.

"Uhm, Tubbo and I need to go to the police station, it's about Tommy, and I was wondering if you'd take Michael so he could sleep instead of being in a loud, bright police station." Ramboo said. "O-Oh! Yes, of course, being him over. Did they find him?" She asked. "Yes, and no, it's complicated." "Ok, well you can bring him, I'll be waiting."

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