
164 9 13

TW// cussing, sickness, broken bone
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

The next morning Wilbur woke up...very sick.

His head was stopped up, his ears ached, his throat was sore, and his broken nose definitely wasn't doing any justice for the situation.

He didn't want to even move. He wanted to roll over in bed and tuck himself away under the sheets until he was better.

But he knew he couldn't do that, so he went to sit up, when he got a sore ache in his uppercase stomach-lower rib area where he had been punched the night prior. His body tensed from the pain, so he slowly went back into the laying position.

He wasn't sure what to do.

He wasn't sure if anyone else was awake since it was quiet, so he didn't wanna call for someone to help him up since he was too baby girl to pog through the pain.

That was too much strain on his throat, anyways, and plus, he didn't wanna startle anyone.

He reached, picking up his phone from the bedside table, going in, and opening Techno's contact.

He typed out a "hey are you up" and waited for a couple of minutes before getting a reply.

Techno 🐷✨

Hey are you up

Ya why

Is anyone else up?


Idk it's just so quiet

We chillin
Anyways what do you want

I am currently in a state
of mass dilemma.
I am more sick than I can
ever *recall* being.
The broken nose isn't helping,
and I can't move.

One, L
Two, why TF can't you move?

I think my insides are bruised


From where I got punched :D
I can't move without feeling some of
the worst pain I've ever felt (as of the
time after my memories left me)

You say that with

Yes :]

I'll ask ur dads where
the medicine is and bring you some
What are your symptoms?

My head is stopped up,
my ears ache,
my throat is sore,
and I am in broken nose and
bruised insides pain



I'll be there in a bit

Ty Technooooo ;p


Wilbur heard some faint voices and movement for a minute or so, and then footsteps coming down the hallway.

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