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TW// talk of kidnapping, yelling, homophobia mention, police, being delirious?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy ran up the steps and when he got to the top, he heard the sound of a car. Scared, he started to bang on the front door, yelling, "Hello? Is anybody home? Please, I need help!"

He was about to give up and go to the next house while risking getting caught, when the door opened, revealing a tall guy with medium length black hair and a black and white hoodie. His eyes widened when he saw Tommy.

"Oh my god, are you ok? What's wrong?" He gasped. Tommy looked behind himself, seeing the little green car coming out of the trees on the road. "That car. Three guys. They're- They're after me, I- I can't let them see me." Tommy replied, speaking very fast.

The tall guy looked behind Tommy, seeing the car that did indeed have three guys inside.

"Here, come inside," He said, opening the door.

Tommy couldn't thank him enough for that.

The tall guy led Tommy into the sitting room, where there was a very short guy with fluffy brown hair holding what looked to be a child with light brown-ish-blonde hair.

"Ran, what's going on?" He asked. 'Ran' held up a finger for the short one to hold on a moment. He walked over to the window, looking through the curtains.

"That green bug car, right?" He asked Tommy, who nodded. "Ok, don't worry, you're safe here. You're awfully cut up, do you want some bandages?" He asked. Tommy shook his head 'no,' chewing his nails. "Ok. Give me one moment."

He walked over to the shorter one, leaving Tommy in the corner.

"Uhm, he says that three guys are after him in a car that's driving around out there. I dunno, he looked really scared so I let him in. I think he might've been kidnapped?" He said. The short one nodded with a worried face.

The two looked over at Tommy who was nervously swaying and chewing his nails with his eyes fixed on the window.

"Hey," The tall one said, taking a few steps towards Tommy, who jumped slightly, "So...what's your name?" He asked. Tommy blinked a few times. "I'm- uh- Tommy."

"Well, hello, Tommy. I'm Ranboo, he/they, and this is my- er- hus...band Tubbo and our son Michael." Ranboo said, hesitating quiet a bit in certain words.

Tommy wasn't homophobic at all, but he was a bit too shook up right now for a 'oh, that's great, I support you, go gays!'

So he just nodded with a very small smile.

"Thank- uhm- Thank you for letting me in." He said. "Of course! Do you have someone we can call for you?" Ranboo asked. Tommy shook his head. "I don't have anyone."

So emo of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Uhm...how-" Ranboo was cut off by knocks on the front door. Tommy recognized those knocks. They were Phil's. Tubbo and Ranboo saw that Tommy knew the knock, and they both paused.

Tubbo sat Michael down, whispering to him to go upstairs to his bedroom, and so the kid did just that.

Ranboo cleared his throat, walking over to the front door.

Tommy was on the opposite side of the wall, so he could hear them but not see or be seen.

"Hello! Can I help you three?" Ranboo asked, hiding the emotion in his voice. "Yes, actually, have you seen a tall-ish boy with short blonde hair and a red shirt with black shorts anywhere on this street?" Phil asked.

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