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TW// none?
Tell me if not ☺︎︎

3rd person POV
A week later

Wilbur was by himself in the backyard, when he had recently realized he hadn't been since he got home.

He was home alone.

Well, sort of alone.

Techno was in his room.

The quiet was peaceful, and the small breeze every now and again felt nice.

The yard was small and fenced in with a white fence that didn't have any gaps between each pallet. The yard was empty, except for a single tree with a small swing that Wilbur had been sitting on, unmoving, for the last hour, with his head looking down, leaned against the rope of the swing.

(These kinds of swings are so cutesy)

Wilbur was lost in his own mind, when he heard the back door of the house open

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Wilbur was lost in his own mind, when he heard the back door of the house open. He looked up, seeing Charlie.

"Oh, you are out here. Dad just wanted me to tell you were home now." He said. "Ok...Thanks." Wilbur replied. Charlie nodded, and began to walk away, when Wilbur spoke again.

"Hey," He said, pausing, "Uhm...Can I...talk to you?" He asked. "Yeah...sure." Charlie replied, stepping back out of the doorway, and walked off of the porch and towards the swing.

Wilbur also stood up and met Charlie about five feet from the swing.

"What's up?" Charlie asked. "I don't know, I just...I wanted to say I'm sorry." Wilbur exhaled. "Sorry? For what?"

"I just...feel like I've been ignoring you a lot. ...I mean, I was gone for...four years?...and then when I come back I hardly even look at you. And- And I feel bad." Wilbur said. "Wilbur, it's alright, I understand." Charlie smiled.

"No, it's not. I'm- I'm your brother! You're mine! I should have hugged you when I found out; I should have talked to you; I should have caught up with you; I should have...I should have at least talked to you." Wilbur said.

He felt bad for not hardly ever talking to Charlie. He was his brother, who had been missing for years. Yes, Charlie was quiet, but Wilbur thought, or, knew he shouldn't have just played that off and never talk to him.

"Wilbur, I...I mean, I don't know what to say, I-" Charlie cut himself off when Wilbur hugged him.

Charlie was caught off guard. He had hardly ever seen Wilbur hug anyone, even before he went missing.

He hesitantly put his arms around Wilbur, who quite taller than him, despite being a few years younger.

"I'm...so sorry, Charlie. I want to know you, I wanna be your brother again. I feel like an asshole, I'm so sorry." Wilbur said, keeping a firm hold on Charlie, who couldn't help but cry some and squeeze Wilbur.

He really did miss Wilbur. The two used to talk all the time before Wilbur went missing, and they hadn't had a conversation once since.

As the two stood under the tree, hugging, Techno walked into the sitting room, seeing the two outside from the window. He felt balky for the two. He, too, had noticed Wilbur was somewhat distant from Charlie.

He looked at the two for a few moments, before walking away to the kitchen where Schlatt and Quackity were.

"You should go look through the window." He said, then leaving again to his bedroom.

The two looked at each other and walked into the sitting room, looking through the window. When they spotted Wilbur and Charlie, Quackity nearly exploded. He and Schlatt both had saw how Wilbur never talked to Charlie, so this warmed their hearts so much.

They wondered how long the two had been standing like that.

Before Quackity was able to take a picture or something, Schlatt pulled him away so that Wilbur and Charlie could be alone, despite not knowing the two were there.

Words: 655
Brother bonding <3
(I've always wanted an older brother ☹︎)

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