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TW// cussing, bullying?, name-calling, homophobia (calling something gay as an insult), body shaming
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
another two days later

Tommy was, yet again, outside at the far picnic table by himself, listening to music. This time, instead of being on Twitter, he just had his head resting in his hand, probably putting a red mark on his face.

He sat there, spaced out while listening to his music.

"Hey! What're you listening to this time, weirdo?" Bailey's voice asked right before Tommy felt his earbud get ripped out of his ear again, which still hurts!

She put in the earbud, sitting on the table again, swinging her legs. A few seconds passed before she tilted her head, humming slightly, and then taking out the earbud.

"Well that's not very emo. She has a pretty nice voice, but the song doesn't suit you. That sounds like singing to your partner on your wedding day but you're sad, lonely, and emo." She laughed. "Wow, very thoughtful of you." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Well what is it? The song, I mean." Morgan asked. Tommy exhaled, sticking his earbud back in, going to scroll through his photos or Twitter. "Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey." He said.

"That's so gay, bro. Who the hell likes her?" Shane asked, laughing. Tommy looked down at his phone, looking at Spotify for a moment. "Me and her...forty-five million other monthly listeners." He said.

Shane rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, loser." He said.

"By the way, who the hell is fostering you?" Morgan asked. "Pardon?" Tommy replied. He had forgotten about the what had happened a couple days ago until now. "We mean, why you? You're skinny and scrawny and quiet. Nobody wants that in their kid." Bailey added.

Tommy just kept his eyes fixed on his phone. It was obvious the girls were more of the leaders in this group, because Shane and Dawson hardly ever spoke.

"Oh my god, do you know how much it pisses me off when I speak to someone and they don't reply?" Bailey scoffed. "Well what do you want me to say to that? I mean, what would you say if someone called you skinny and scrawny directly to your face?" Tommy replied. Bailey just glared at him.

"My point proven." Tommy sighed, looking back down at his phone. "Would you actually look at me when we're beefing?" Bailey asked, reaching for Tommy's phone.

She got a grip on it and yanked it out of his hand, holding it away from him.

"Now really, come on, who would want you? Or was Marley just saying that so that old dude who you clearly know would leave?" She asked.

Tommy exhaled.

"Fuckin- fine, I'm not getting-" Tommy cut himself off when he heard someone shout his name. "Hey, Tommy!" Mars shouted from in the doorway of the building, "Your new family is here. I have your bags for you already." They said as they walked closer to the five.

Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

Then Mars saw Bailey with Tommy's phone and raised an eyebrow.

"You four aren't causing trouble with him, are you?" They asked. "Uh, nope!" Morgan smiled. "Yes, they are." Tommy glared at Morgan.

"Bailey, give Tommy his phone. Morgan, be real with yourself. And boys..." Mars paused, "Just try to keep your little girlfriends in line." She said.

"Woah- girlfriends?!" Dawson blinked a few times, laughing awkwardly. "Oh, please, it's obvious," Mars rolled their eyes, "Let's go, Tommy."

Bailey gave Tommy his phone and then he and Mars walked away.

"Oh, I've gotta see who wanted this weirdo." Morgan laughed, following the two. "Right with you." Bailey replied, also following.

Shane and Dawson kind of were forced to follow.

"Here's your things." Mars handed Tommy his three bags and then walked him into a more open room.

There, Tommy saw Ranboo standing there and Tubbo who had Michael in one arm on his hip. Michael was currently messing with Tubbo's slightly long hair and completely distracted by it.

"Hey, Tommy!" Ranboo waved. "Ranb- What are you- What the hell are you doing here?!" Tommy asked, laughing a bit. "Well I said I'd figure something out and this is all I could think of!" Ranboo replied.

Tommy stood there for a moment in silence before smiling to himself.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you." He said. "Why's that?" Ranboo asked. "Whys- Did you just ask me 'why that'? Ran, you do understand that out of everybody, you and Tubbo are the only people that don't think down on me and think I'm lying about you-know-what, right?" Ranboo shrugged. "Yeah, I guess so."

Then, Michael noticed Tommy and stopped playing with Tubbo's hair.

"Tommy! Put me down, Bee, Tommy's there!" He gasped, wiggling away from Tubbo. Michael ran over to Tommy, hugging his legs and looking up at him. "Where'd you go? You left without saying bye!" He said.

"Oh, I know I did, and I'm so sorry! But to make it up to you, I think I'll be staying with you and your dads permanently now." Tommy smiled. Michael gasped. "Yay! We're gonna have so much fun!" He smiled.

Then Michael paused, giving Tommy the most criminal offensive side eye from a seven-year-old known to man kind.

"Hold on. This is where Bee and Boo got me. Does that mean you're my brother now?" He asked. Tommy inhaled through his teeth. "Hmmmm. I'm not too sure about that. You're gonna have to ask your dads an that one. Depends if they plan on just fostering until I'm an adult or if they're gonna adopt me fully!" He said.

Michael turned to Ranboo and Tubbo.

"Is Tommy gonna be my brother?" He asked loudly. Tommy silent yet harshly mouthed 'no' to Ranboo and shook his head, not wanting to be adopted and just wanting to be able to live somewhere safe until he's old enough to live wherever he wanted.

"No, I'm afraid not, bud." Ranboo shook his head at Michael.

"Aw, man. Well, if you ever decide to let me have a sibling, I want a baby sister. Where do babies even come from anyways?!" He asked.

Tommy snorted, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to hold in his wheezing. Ranboo and Tubbo did the same, but being parents, they were better at hiding it than Tommy was.

"Uhhhh, that's a lesson for when you're a bit older, kiddo." Tubbo said, shaking his head with a big smile.

"We should...probably go." Ranboo said, trying to get Tommy and go. "I totally agree!" Tommy replied, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. He turned, seeing the four looking at him. "What?" He grinned, walking away.

Soon, he, Ranboo, Tubbo, and Michael left.

It took about half an hour, but the four of them eventually made it back to the house.

Words: 1,160

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