
350 17 16

TW// cussing, blood mention, bullying/being called names?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

When Tommy and Mars arrived at the...place, whatever it's called, Mars walked Tommy in and to the frost desk.

There, Tommy had to give them his full name, birthday, blood type (even though he didn't know it, he just guessed and hoped he was right), and some other stuff that doesn't matter.

"Ok, Tommy! Follow me, I'll take you to your room." Mars smiled, leading Tommy through the building. When they walked through, Tommy saw quite a few other kids. Most of them were in their teens, but still younger than Tommy by a bit.

"Most of these kids, you'll probably never see. You're mostly split up by age unless you're siblings. Like, kids ages 1-5 together, 6-10, 11-14, and 15-18." She said. Tommy nodded.

The two of them went up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway. Mars stopped in front of a room and reached for the handle, opening it. The room was small and bland. It had a dark wooden floor, beige walls, and a white ceiling. The bed frame and small desk matched the floor.

"Here we are! It's not much, but you might not be here more than a week or so." They said. "Uh, thanks." Tommy replied.

He knew he'd be gone maybe even the very next day. Phil, Techno, and Wilbur were going to come in looking for him.

"Why don't you put your stuff down and go meet some of the other kids your age, huh?" Mars suggested with a smile. Tommy nodded, going over and setting his three bags down on the bed. He dug through his rucksack, grabbing his phone and off brand AriPods.

"Oh, yes! By the way, since you, as creepy as it sounds, sort of belong to the government at the moment, your phone will be paid for." Mars said. "Oh, uh, fine with me." Tommy shrugged.

"Great! I'll take you to where most kids your age hang out and leave you be."

Mars then lead Tommy back downstairs and through two glass doors that went into a little outside area with picnic tables, a few skateboard ramps, and a little swing set.

"I'll go now, make yourself comfortable!" Mars smiled, walking away.

Tommy exhaled, just walking over to a table more away from everyone and sitting down, keeping to himself. He put in his earbuds and went looking through Spotify until he found some music to listen to while he scrolled around on Twitter.

He came across a song called "I Can't Sleep" by Abbey Glover that he had saved to one of his playlists a while back.
(The song at the top of this chapter)

Tommy sat there in his own little music and Twitter world for a very long time. That is, until a group of four people came over to him, one hoisting herself up onto the table in front of Tommy.

"Hello!" She smiled a smile that didn't look like a 'let's be friends' one.

The other three people was another girl and two other boys.

"Hi." Tommy replied, looking back down at his phone. "Whatcha doing?" She asked. "Enjoying being alone." The girl huffed, leaning over and looking down at Tommy's phone. "Oo, what's your @?" She asked. Tommy didn't respond.

"Hey, what's your deal, asshole? She asked you a question." One of the boys said. Tommy looked up, seeing the one that spoke (as well as the other two) looking like they were mad at him.

"Fine," Tommy looked up at the girl sitting on the table in front of him, "If you want an answer, it's that I'm not giving you my @." He said.

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Well then what's your name?" She asked. "Look, I'm not really looking to make friends right now, so, sorry." Tommy looked back at his phone.

"Oh my god, don't be such a party pooper, newbie!" The other girl laughed, sitting herself beside of Tommy with her back against the table, sitting backwards than how you're supposed to at a picnic table.

"Fine. If you don't wanna be friends, then we won't be. Let's just talk, then." The one sitting up in front of him said. He looked at her like she was stupid. "Oh, come on! We don't have to be friends to talk!"

Tommy sighed, setting his phone down.

It was so obvious that she was trying to flirt. Honestly, Tommy felt like puking. He was about to tell them he was gay (even though he's not) just so she'd get off the damn table.

The four them talked and talked, and Tommy just sat there, trying his best to look as if he hated them (he did) so they'd go away.

"Oh my god! I never got your name!" The one still sitting on the table said. Tommy exhaled. "It's Tommy." He said. "Oo, that's cute! My name is Bailey, that's Morgan, and these boys are Shane and Dawson!"

'Did her pick-me ass just call my name cute?' Tommy thought to himself.

"Hey, what're you listening to?" Morgan asked, reaching over and pulling Tommy's earbud out of his ear, which actually really hurts for some reason, and putting it in her own ear.

She listened for a moment, scrunching her face up.

"Ew, what's this emo ass music?" She laughed. "That is Abbey Glover. Now give me my damn earbud back." Tommy replied, holding out his hand. "My fucking pleasure!" She scoff-laughed, tossing the earbud back at Tommy.

"Ok, I'm getting outta here. You three are totally welcome to join me." Morgan laughed, standing up and walking away. "Wait for me, bae!" Bailey yelled after Morgan, hopping down from the table and running off.

Shane and Dawson just looked at Tommy for a moment.

"I honestly don't care if you go with them, I can't stand any of you." Tommy said. They immediately got up and began to walk away. "Later, weirdo." Shane held up a peace sign as they left.

Tommy did praying hands to the sky, thanking whoever was listening to him for the four of them finally leaving.

And almost as soon as the day started, it was already over.

Words: 1,050

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