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TW//cussing, injuries/scars/burns, PTSD
I think that's all?

3rd person POV
on Monday (idk what day it was last chapter)

Ranboo drove Tubbo to work, as Tubbo still wasn't driving, and probably never would, because of his vision.

When they pulled up to the building, Tubbo couldn't help but shiver. Being back after what happened was very weird to him. He didn't know how to feel.

"You alright?" Ranboo asked. "Hm? Yeah! Yeah, I'm ok." Tubbo nodded. "You know, you really don't have to do this. So many people aren't coming back." "I-I know, but this is my job. I hate to sit at home all day, and nobody else is gonna hire me with my vision like this."

Ranboo sighed.

"Alright. Just...call me if you need to, please." They said. "I will," Tubbo smiled, "Real quick, though, is my hair covering my burns good?" He asked. "You look fine." Ranboo replied.

"I didn't ask if I look fine, I asked if my hair is covering my burns." Tubbo said playfully. Ranboo laughed. "Yes, your hair is covering your face." "Good."

Tubbo opened the car door and got out, grabbing his phone and waving bye to Ranboo as he left.

Tubbo walked into the building, pushing back his eminence traumatized fear of being back.

"Toby!" He heard a voice say. He looked over, seeing his boss. "Hey!" Tubbo replied with a work-ready smile. "I honestly didn't expect you to show!" His boss laughed. "Well...why's that?"

"Oh, literally everyone from your department that got hurt didn't come back...which is everyone. Computer people, I mean. Quite some others from other departments didn't come back either. If they got hurt, they left. So I think you're the only injured person in computers that stayed." He laughed.

The first thought that came to Tubbo was one, "that's funny?" because why the hell did he laugh, and two, "so I'm working with nothing but strangers."

The different departments never saw each other, so he had no idea who he'd be working next to now.

You could also see where the building had been rebuilt, because it was slightly more polished and clean in some places where it wasn't before.

"So! If you'll just follow me, I'll show you to your desk!" His boss said, beginning to walk away. Tubbo followed. "So...did you get hurt at all?" He asked. "Me? No, I wasn't even here. I had left to get some lunch and I came back to the place on fire." His boss replied.

A moment of silence passed.

"I uh, I see you got pretty hurt on your arm there." The boss said.

Tubbo was wearing short sleeves because it was a hot day, and it's not like he was trying to hide it, everyone would know he was hurt the second they saw him.

"Oh, uhm...yeah...but on my face, too." Tubbo replied. "Oh, I'm sorry. Is it bad?" He asked. "Bad enough for me to cover it." Tubbo pulled back his hair for a moment, letting his boss see.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Really, it doesn't look too bad at all. It's your mark of power!" He smiled, "Can...you see?" He asked. "No, I can't. Nor can I hear much at all, so if you're calling for me, please don't fire me if I seem like I'm ignoring you, because I'm not." Tubbo nervously laughed. "Oh, I would never. You're a great employee, I wouldn't fire you for something like that."

The two walked though some doors into a room with many desks and people.

"Your desk is this one right here," His boss showed him to a desk near the back corner of the room, which Tubbo liked, "And uhm, there's a break room across the hall. Take a break whenever you need one, I cut the specific time crap. Because if you need a break but it's not time, that's kinda miserable. As long as you're not taking fifteen breaks every hour it's fine."

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