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TW// cussing, crying, breaking in?, being locked in a room, yelling, kinda tight spaces
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Tommy emerged from the trees and crept towards the house, specifically the window of the room he was kept in, as he figured that's probably where Michael was. He walked slowly and low to the ground, just incase someone were to get up.

He made it to the window, and reached up, pushing up on the window. It was actually unlocked and not glued shut. They hadn't sealed it back.

Tommy opened the window and pulled himself up into the windowsill.

As he began to climb in, he heard a small gasp from the bed. He looked over, seeing Michael sitting up in the bed with a scared face.

Tommy pulled his mask off.

"Shh, shh. It's ok, Michael!" He whispered, "It's me! Uncle Tommy!"

Michael sat still for a moment as Tommy climbed all the way into the room.

Then Michael started crying and got up, running over to Tommy and clinging onto his legs.

"Hey, it's ok, bud, I'm gonna get you out of here, ok? You just need to be quiet so they don't hear us." Tommy said, kneeling down to Michael's height and hugging him. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I-I'm- I'm ok..." Michael sniffed squeezing onto Tommy. "That's good. When did you wake up?" Tommy asked. "A- A few hours ago. ...How do you know about that?" "Because they gave me a drink too. I'll explain when we get you home."

"No...I know about you and them. I heard you talking about it after one of your nightmares a few months ago." Michael said. "Oh...you know. ...Anyways, we need to-"

Tommy shut up fast when he heard footsteps.

Techno's footsteps, it sounded like.

Tommy let go of Michael and quietly walked over, locking the door. He then slowly went back to Michael.

"Ok, here's what we're gonna do," He whispered, "We need to be very quiet. I'm going to get you through that window, and then I'm going to hand you my rucksack before I follow you out. If something happen, you run as fast as you can."

"So- So I leave you?" Michael asked. "Yes, you'll have to leave me. Stay in the trees, don't go on the road. I know the forest can be scary at night, but you need to do this. For you. ...For us. You can use the flashlight on my phone if needed." Tommy paused.

"The password into my phone is 278174. The phone is in the rucksack. I'm telling you this incase it's needed. There's some water in the bag, and some snacks. I also brought your stuffy, but let's not get that right now, it'll be easier to run without it." He said.

A few moments of silence.

"Do you promise you'll run if something happens?" Tommy asked.

Michael hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"I promise. O-Ok...so if something happens I run without you, and the password to your phone is...278..174?" Michael confirmed. "That's correct." Tommy smiled. "Ok, can we please go? I don't like it here, I wanna-"

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