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TW// talk of suicide and suicide attempt, pill bottle and pills, fake Stockholm, beginning of small panic attack?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

Wilbur wouldn't let go of Tommy. The little 'incident' had happened about an hour prior, and wherever Wilbur went, Tommy had to go as well. Well, unless one of them was in the restroom. Then they were apart.

Tommy didn't like to be touched at all (really just by these people because they're literally his kidnappers) and hadn't spoke a word the whole time.

"Wilbur, you can't hold him forever. You've both gotta go to bed at some point." Phil said. "Why?" Wilbur replied. "Well, Tommy..." Phil paused. "What? He what? Needs to go back into a locked room? That's the whole reason why this happened, Dad."

Tommy silently looked between the two as they went back and fourth.

"Fine. He doesn't have to stay in his room, but he cannot have his phone." Phil finally agreed. Wilbur thought his dad was crazy for even considering locking Tommy back up.

"I am kind of tired, actually," Tommy spoke for the first time in an hour, "I wouldn't be against going back to...my...room as long as the door isn't locked. I mean, unless I wanna lock it for whatever reason." He said. "Oh, yeah, that's fine. We won't lock it." Wilbur replied, glaring at Phil with the last sentence.

Tommy nodded, standing up from where he sat next to Wilbur.

"Sleep well." Wilbur said. "You too...whenever you sleep." Tommy replied, walking away.

He turned the corner into the hallway, bumping into Techno.

"S-Sorry!" Tommy gasped, holding his hands out. "You're fine. I uh, cleaned the pills offa' your bed." Techno replied. Tommy had almost forgotten about that already. He nodded. "Thanks." He gave a small fake smile. Techno hummed and then walked away.

Tommy went a few more feet down the hall, then darting into 'his' room. He shut the door and locked it. He began to pace, thinking about how he had almost killed himself just an hour ago. He hadn't really processed much yet because he was trying to cover up in front of Wilbur and Phil.

He sat down in his little spot in the corner of the room which he sat in for all of those days and days he was locked in there, and...didn't really know what to do. Cry? Laugh? He felt still. Death was at his doorstep earlier and he was just sitting like nothing had happened.

He exhaled, rubbing his tired eyes and then resting his chin in his hand.

He noticed the now empty pill bottle that laid on its side in the floor, partially under the bed. Tommy wasn't too sure what to do with it, but he did know that he was bored.

And he also knew that he liked flowers.

He got up, jogging over to the bed and picking up the bottle from the floor. He then went over and unlocked the door, leaving the room, and going back into the sitting room where the three were sat talking.

"Hey, Wil, hey!" Tommy said, coming up behind Wilbur on the sofa. "Can I go out-...or...can you...go outside and put some dirt in this for me? Pick me a preferably yellow flower while you're at it? Possibly a Morning Glory?" He asked.

Wilbur frowned a little bit at Tommy's request to go outside which he cut off himself.

"Sure, yeah! But...why?" He asked. "I'm bored and I wanna make it into a little pot. What else should I do with the bottle?" Tommy replied. "Throw it away?" Techno suggested. "And risk more plastic going into landfills? No, I actually care about our environment."

Wilbur rolled his eyes with a smile, snatching the bottle from Tommy.

"I don't think we have any yellow Morning Glories around here but I'll find you something." He said, walking towards the front door, and leaving through it. It was silent.

Tommy looked back at Phil and Techno.

"Good job." He said. Phil tilted his head, confused. "Pardon?" He asked. "I said 'good job,' Phil. You raised a good person. Wilbur, I mean." Tommy repeated. The look on Phil's face looked almost guilty for a moment before he smiled. "Thanks."

It was quiet again, and a minute or so later, Wilbur came back in through the door holding the pill bottle that was now full of dirt with a small, round, purple flower sticking out of it.

"I couldn't find any yellow flowers but I found a pretty small Allium that you'd probably like." He smiled, waking over and handing the DIY pot to Tommy. "It's perfect. Thanks, Wilbur!" Tommy fake-smiled, not stepping, but giant leaping out of his comfort zone and hugging Wilbur.

Wilbur hugged him back. Tommy's heart basically tore out of his chest. He felt suffocated in the hug.

If you couldn't tell; Tommy. does. not. like. hugs!

But he really, really wanted out of that house.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to bed now. For real this time." Tommy said, detaching from Wilbur and speed-walking down the hallway to 'his' room. He shut the door, the feel of Wilbur's hug still on him. Like, you know when something is against your skin for so long that when it's removed, you can still kind of feel it? That's what Tommy felt like, except the hug was only like three seconds.

He gripped onto his flower "pot" tightly, causing his knuckles to turn white. He put that hand with the pot against his chest, and his nose caught a whiff of its smell. The allium smelled lightly of violets with a hint of onion, because that's what they smell like once the stem has been cut, aka, how Wilbur got it out of the ground.

The smell, although sort of onion-y, was calming. It took Tommy's mind from the hug in just seconds.

He smiled slightly, walking over and putting the flower in the window and then lying down in 'his' bed, going to sleep.

Words: 1,020

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