
300 15 13

TW// cussing, panicking, being stressed, explosion mentions, yelling, yelling, burns/injuries, blood mention, ambulances, police
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

It had been a couple of weeks since the indecent with Techno and Phil, and Tommy hadn't seen any of the three since.

He was doing a midday stream, just chatting and playing bedwars. There were some people in chat that asked questions about the stream with Techno and Phil, but Tommy pretend he didn't see those messages.

A donation came through, saying "Hello Tommy! I've got nothing better to do with my money so just take it. Anyways what have you been up to today?"

"I haven't done much, uhm, I've been kinda bored. Ranboo and Tubbo are both at work and Michael is at a friends house so..." Tommy shrugged, not completely finishing his sentence.

A moment later, Tommy felt the earth shake just slightly, not very noticeable. He scrunched his eyebrows, looking around a bit.

"Anybody else around my area feel a shake?" He asked, leaning into the mic.

Most people in chat said 'no' but Tommy saw a few others say that they did feel a shake, and just sort of being jumpscared that they live within who knows how wide of a radius of Tommy, saying stuff like "omg I'm moving scaryyy" and "Hell nah Tommy gonna pull up in my neighborhood next."

Tommy ignored the shake, and continued on with his stream...which he probably shouldn't have done, but he didn't know any better.

He didn't know what the shake was.

That is, until he got the call about ten minutes later.

It was Ranboo, Tommy saw, and they were sending texts saying "PICK UP!" while the phone was still ringing.

Tommy snatched his phone up and answered.

"Hey! I'm live, Ranboo!" Tommy warned.

Ranboo did not head Tommy's warning.

"You need to get to Tubbo's work right now. I- I don't know what's happening, the police couldn't explain well over the phone, but there's been an accident and- just get here!" Ranboo yelled into the phone.

They sounded like they were running.

Tommy heard a firetruck passing by Ranboo from their side of the phone.

Tommy remembered back to when he first found out about Tubbo's new job, saying that it was dangerous, and Tubbo replying with "Eh, not really. As long as nobody drops anything, I'll be fine."

Tommy became very panicked.

"Oh- Oh my god, yeah, I'll be right there, uh, do you want me to pick up Michael on my way?" Tommy asked. "No, god, no, don't get Michael! I think there's been an explosion, he doesn't need to see that!" Ranboo yelled back. "Ok, I'll be right there, I'm gonna hang up."

Then Tommy hung up the phone.

"So sorry, chat, I have to go, I'll stream whenever I can!" Tommy said fast, ending the stream. He then bolted out of his room, downstairs, and out of the house, nearly forgetting to lock the door.

Tommy ran as fast as his legs would take him. His mind was racing with every possibility he could think of.

Was Tubbo gonna be ok? Was he going to live? Will he ever be the same?

Then he thought of Michael, and what he would do.

Tommy regained his focus when he realized there was smoke in the air, and he could see flames in the distance.

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