
400 16 1

TW// cussing, CPS, panicking, almost crying?
I think that's all?

3rd person POV

The next morning was still. The three eldest sat in the sitting room, sort of quiet since Michael was still sleeping.

There were a few knocks on the front door, grabbing the three's attention.

"Who the hell is that?" Ranboo muttered, getting up and walking through the house to the door. Tommy and Tubbo stayed sitting, silently listening. The door was heard opening.

"Hey! Can I...help you?" Ranboo's voice asked. "Hi, is there a Tommy here?" A voice asked. "Uh, why..?"

"My name is Marley, I work with child services. I was informed by the local police department that there is a minor here, Tommy, who is...well, not currently in anyones custody?" They said as if they weren't sure how to word their sentence.

"Oh, well, yes, but he's alright. We're just letting him stay until he can work some...stuff...out." Ranboo said. "Right, and I do understand that, but I'm afraid he cannot actually stay here." 'Marley' replied. "Well...why's that?" Ranboo asked.

"Since he's a minor, he does have to live with a legal guardian like a parent, grandparent, sibling that has custody for whatever reason, or a foster/adoptive parent, which would be the only option in this case." Marley said. "Uhhh, do friends count?" Ranboo asked. "Do you have any custody?"

Ranboo just sighed. He really hated for Tommy to go. He couldn't imagine what it was like to go through what Tommy did and then not be believed. Tubbo and Ranboo were the only ones who believed him (and maybe those cops Nikki and Sam) and now he was going to have to leave them.

"I'll uhm...I'll go get him." Ranboo said. The person nodded and stepped off to the side. Ranboo closed the door and went through the house.

"Hey, Tommy, I don't really know how to say this but-" They were cut off. "I know," Tommy said, standing, "I heard." Ranboo chewed their lip a bit. "I'll just go grab my bag." Tommy said. "Uh- feel free to take a charger for your phone if you don't have one. There's one in the nightstand. You can also take some of the clothes, we don't need them." Ranboo said. Tommy nodded and walked off.

When he made it into the bedroom, he went over, getting his rucksack out of the corner and putting his phone inside. He opened the nightstand drawer, seeing that there was indeed a charger inside that looked like it had never been used, so he took that as well. He didn't want to take any of their clothes, so he didn't.

He grabbed the outfit that he refused to wash for fingerprints, putting it into the bag. The outfit he was wearing the night prior (blue shirt with smile and grey sweats) was still on him as he had slept in it, so he guessed he'd be taking at least one of their outfits.

His shoes were next to the bedroom door, so he slid those on and left, going back downstairs.

Ranboo silently walked Tommy to the front door. As they reached for the handle, Tommy spoke.

"Hey, uh, thanks for all of your help." He said. Ranboo paused, looking over (and slightly down because he's a tall fuck) at Tommy, slightly smiling. "It's no problem. And uh, I'll try to figure something out with this. Being in the system could make it a lot easier for those guys to find you."

"Why..? You don't know me." Tommy replied. Ranboo shrugged. "I know you're a kid that's been through some crap and like nobody believes you. That's tough as it is. Tubbo and me believe you, and I can't imagine how it feels to be stripped away from the only people that don't think you're a lying attention-seeker. So...y'know, I'm gonna try to figure something out for you." He said.

"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙...𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑈𝑠, 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒." | 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now