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TW// crying, nail-biting and being jumpy from being anxious
I think that's all?

3rd Person POV

When the four made it back home, Tubbo went into the kitchen, saying he would make some food for them. Michael wanted to help, so he followed. Ranboo was going to follow as well, but he noticed how Tommy acted off. He was a bit jumpy and hadn't stopped biting his nails since they started back home.

Tommy hadn't chewed his nails like that since the first few weeks that Ranboo knew him, when Tommy was stressed and constantly scared and on edge.

He saw Tommy about to leave for his bedroom, so he stopped him.

"Hey, Tommy?" They reached for Tommy's shoulder but stopped when he flinched like Ranboo had startled him. "Hm? Yeah?" Tommy replied.

Ranboo noticed how Tommy's hands shook slightly looked at Ranboo, waiting for him to speak.

"Uhm...come with me real fast." Ranboo said. They knew Tommy was on edge, so they just held out their hand and waited to see if Tommy would take it, which he did with a confused face.

Ranboo held onto Tommy's hand, pulling the two upstairs and towards Tommy's room. When they entered, Ranboo sat Tommy down on his bed, and Ranboo sat in Tommy's chair at his desk.

"Talk to me." Ranboo said. Tommy tilted his head some. "W-What?" He asked. "Tell me what's wrong. You're shaky and jumpy. We can sit here for a minute in silence and let you collect yourself, but I need to know what's wrong. You're...worrying me."

Tommy pressed his lips into a thin line, looking down slightly.

"It's nothing," He said, sniffing slightly. "It's not nothing, Tommy. You haven't acted scared like this since...well, since you were near those guys." Ranboo said.

Tommy sat quietly for a moment, trying to figure out what to do or say.

"I- I lied." Tommy whispered, barely loud enough for Ranboo to hear. "What?" Ranboo replied.

"I didn't catch up to Michael...before he made it to who he thought was us. He was already talking to them when I found him." Tommy said. Ranboo sat up some. "Well why would you lie about that?" They asked.

Ranboo saw Tommy's eyes well up with tears. He had that same look on his face that he did when he came banging on their door all of those moths ago, yelling for help.

"Because it was them...and I didn't know what to do..." Tommy said, his voice cracking. He covered his mouth with one hand while the other arm was across his stomach.

"Tommy..." Ranboo paused. "I- I know- I should have said something immediately but I...I don't know, I was scared, I didn't know what to do! I just wanted to leave..."

Ranboo got up and went over, sitting down next to Tommy on his bed, pulling him into a comforting hug.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy...I can't imagine what that was like for you, seeing them again, especially so close up." They said. "They we're taking to me. I turned to pretend I didn't know them, but I know I was shaking, I had to be. There's no way they didn't see it." Tommy said, letting out a choked cry.

Ranboo didn't let go of the hug, slightly swaying the two as he silently listened to Tommy cry.

Ranboo wasn't too sure what to do himself. What could he do?

"I know this sounds awful, but I don't think we should tell Tubbo." They said. Tommy looked up with a confused expression, his eyes watery and tear tracks on his face. "W-Why?" He asked. "I mean...Tubbo worries about us all enough as it is. He's very protective, as you know. If we tell him, I don't think he'd ever even sleep. And I don't want that."

Tommy nodded slightly, wiping his face.

"Whatever you think is best." He said.

Ranboo just smiled and hugged Tommy shortly once more.

"Do you want me to tell Tubbo you're not feeling well so you can just stay in here and have some quiet time or..." They trialed off. "That's be nice, thanks." Tommy replied with a smile. Ranboo nodded, got up, and left.

Tommy spent the rest of the evening in the dark of his room, listening to music and scrolling through Twitter until he fell asleep.

Words: 735

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