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TW// cussing, court/sentencing, talk of the following: kidnapping; brainwashing; hospitals/being hospitalized; a fake de@d b°dy; attempted self-offing/stopping someone from self-offing; and drugging
I think that's all?

SPOILER: I don't know how court works, especially court in a continent I don't live in. So stuff WILL be wrong. I'm not denying that.
To all of the smart people out there reading this, I stan you for being smart, but my strong suit is Literature/Writing/English. So please, don't say "well actually 🤓 court works like this ☝️" in the comments because I am aware of my mistakes
(I'm going by what I've seen in movies, and I don't watch movies with court scenes, so I'm going by what I've never seen in any movie besides maybe one)

3rd person POV
A little over two weeks later (Court day)

Tommy was out of the hospital within those next two weeks, and then three days later, this day, was court day.

On the drive there, it was quiet. Ranboo drove, Tubbo was next to them, and Tommy sat in the back alone. They had dropped Michael off at Puffy's, since he was too young to speak in court. Because of this, Tommy would he speaking on behalf of Michael, along with himself.

Since Tommy had just recently gotten out of the hospital, his doctor recommended him wearing a mask whenever he went out, just to be safe from anything that could harm him from his recent malnourishment, as his immune system was weaker than normal.

When the three arrived, they did whatever the hell people do at those places to be able to go and do their court thing. Tommy didn't know what anything was called; he didn't pay attention in Civics.
(As you can tell, I did not pay attention in my Civics class either)

When they entered the courtroom, they was surprisingly not many people in there. It didn't look like the movies, where the place is packed.

There was the jury, a few officers (one of which was Sam because he's everywhere), a few people that were just there (probably for some reason), and then Tommy saw who he thought could be Wilbur's family, just from the little bit he remembered that he saw of them from the corner of his eye before waking up in the hospital.

Upon taking a closer look, Tommy saw that one of the officers was actually that Dream guy that didn't believe Tommy all those months ago.

He was probably there since he and Sam were two of the main officers on Wilbur's disappearance case.

And then, near the front of the courtroom, sitting down, was Wilbur.

The two hadn't heard from each other since they were rescued a month prior.

Hell, they didn't even know if each other were alive.

The officer that brought the three in showed Tubbo and Ranboo where to sit so they could speak if asked to by the judge, and then Tommy was took to a table a few feet adjacent from Wilbur.

Wilbur looked over, seeing Tommy.

Wilbur thought Tommy looked ok, and healthy. Definitely skinnier than the last time he actually saw him good, but not deathly skinny how he was the night he was rescued.

"Tommy, are you ok?" Wilbur whispered. Tommy just nodded, not knowing if he should talk or not. He always heard that you're supposed to be quiet in a courtroom.

A little while passed and soon, the judge guy was at his seat.

Tommy heard a door to his right and slightly behind him opening, so he turned that way slightly, seeing two officers bringing Phil and Techno into the room.

"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐿𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝐴𝑤𝑓𝑢𝑙...𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑈𝑠, 𝑀𝑎𝑡𝑒." | 𝑆𝐵𝐼 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now