EP II | Interview

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"ugh, just shut the fuck up!" You groaned in your muffled morning voice before you threw the alarm clock on the very corner of the room, making it eventually stop

"finally- what the heck!" You screamed when a loud sound rang right beside your ear "god!" You whined before grabbing your phone and turning off the alarm

yawning, you sat up on your bed and stretched your arms before opening your phone and checked your schedules for the day

"oh, I have an interview in an hour" you threw you phone back on the bed before it hit you making your eyes go wide as you took your phone in your hands again "shit, just an hour" you cursed and jumped out of your bed. you ran inside the bathroom before doing your morning skincare and taking a quick warm shower to start this day in this cold weather

"that was really nice" you walked out of your bathroom and wrapped your towel around your hair. Taking a white shirt, a cream colored boot cut pants and a matching coat that stopped at your waist

taking the towel out from your hair, you sat down on front of the mirror before putting on a light make up and straightening your hair and fixing your bangs

Y/n's POV:

while I was getting ready, the guy's face from yesterday suddenly appeared in front my eyes. not gonna lie, he was handsome. His slight long hair, milky skin and dreamy eyes which easily can make one hypnotized

I hope my future husband is handsome like him. then my eyes went wide for the second time this morning at my thought "what the heck is wrong with me?" I slapped myself before bringing my self to senses

thirty more minutes. I checked my wristwatch before grabbing my side bag and keys and making my out of my apartment to the elevator. pressing the ground floor's button on the lift, I walked outside after the door to the elevator opened

"Ms. Y/n?" the Uber driver asked making me nod and sit myself on the backseat "where to ma'am?" he asked as I replied "do you know where the main building of Jeon's OutWear is?" "ofcourse I do, it's the biggest fashion designing company in the whole country" the man laughed as I tilted my head and smiled

"So what's the occasion?" "hm?" I leaned in a bit "no, I mean like a girl is going to the main building of Jeon's OutWear this early in the morning" he explained making me raise an eyebrow "what's up with that?" I asked instead of replying because the curiosity feeling that now had the best of me

"you don't know?" shocked could be heard in his voice but I still managed to shake my head as a no. "It's actually that the CEO is very well-known for his hatred towards girls" he answered as I just listened to him "so that's why I was curious" he explained as I passed a smile to him

"I'm going there for an interview" I finally replied to his question "I don't think you'll get the job" the man blurted out as I looked at him in disbelief

"Why?" "Don't think I'm discouraging you, ma'am but it's the truth" I just stared at him while he continued "his hatred towards girls are not any joke or anything but is really a serious matter, he doesn't like girls around him and here you are, applying for a job at the main building" he completed as I just couldn't help but let out a laugh

"by the way, what position are you applying for?" he asked as I smirked before replying "you might wanna stop the car to hear the answer" "why is that?" "You won't be able to bear the shock" "no, it's alright" "no, it's not actually, I don't wanna get into an accident on my third day in this new city" I sarcastically answered making the driver laugh as he parked the car to the side

"now, what's the answer?" He made eye contact with me through the front mirror "are you prepared?" I smirked "ofcourse I am" he smiled

"I applied as his secretary" I replied as that's not a big deal for me but for the driver, he jerked back to look back at me with his wide eyes that were about to pop out of their sockets "what!?" The guy shouted a bit making me put my fingers inside my ears to protect them from bursting

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