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Jungkook's Perspective

"where is she?" I was growing impatient and anxious as the seconds passed by. she was also not answering my calls which made my situation worsen

"please let her be safe" I kept mumbling, an uneasy feeling was burning in my chest. as if my heart could sense that something very wrong was about to happen but I didn't know what

I was very close to reaching the kmain road, my eyes going left and right, uncontrollably, in hope of catching her sight somehow

the main road came, the place was kind of deserted, not many people or vehicles were seen. but a specific figure caught my eyes

she was dancing her way to the other side of the road. I look closely and my heart skips a beat, let it be because of admiration or relief of the reason that found her

I furrow seeing her stop suddenly and look to her right and that's when I hear the continuous sound of honking

I tear my eyes from her. a car was coming right at her way but when I switched my eyes from the car to her, she was frozen in her place. the driver was shouting for her to move and save herself but she didn't even budge until the car was more close now

the headlights makes her cover her eyes, she had a bouquet in her grasp and that fell on the ground. my heart was beating in an inhuman pace

I call her name to get her back to her senses and she does. her eyes starts to search here and there but before they could find me, the car speeds and blocks her from my view


fear take over me as I run towards her but it was already late. tears roll down my eyes as thousands of negative thoughts embrace my mind

the car leaves and I don't see her anymore. my mind goes blank. I don't why but my eyes goes down to the ground. I don't care about anything. I just want find her in a safe state

but I don't. I done see her on the ground. she was completely out of my sight. panic take over me as I quicken my pace

my eyes go in front and I see two figure, collapsed on the ground. I run to them

"y-y/n" my lips quiver as I take her name, I sit down on the ground and take her head in my grasp. her eyes were closed, she was unconscious in someone unknown's arm

"she hit her head" the unknown woman, who I didn't even look at, tells me. I look at her, her eyes were somewhere else. my eyes follow her gaze and I see her hand covering y/n's forehead. blood was oozing out through her fingers, and the blood belonged to my precious

"we need to take her to the hospital as soon as possible" the woman tells me "I-I didn't bring my car" I become scared. scared to lose her

"I did. help me bring her to my car" I feel a little hope spark inside my heart. without wasting a second, I pick her up in a bridal style. the woman makes her way to the place where her car was and I follow right behind her, with my love in my arms

"please be safe, my love" I stare at her wound and cry. we reach the car. I get inside the backseat, y/n's head placed on my lap, her body was laid on the seat

𝐌𝐑. 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 || 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now