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Jungkook's eyes were on you as you walked out of the café. he didn't waste a second and rushed out of the place, himself

"watch out- what the? Jungkook?" the customer who was about to enter bumped into someone and that someone was no one else but his friend

"why are you leaving?" he asked as his friend was still in a hurry "I need to get to home quick" Jungkook answers, still running

"fine then.." Jimin shrugs and was about to step inside when the latter shouted "if you want to meet that witch then the café is welcoming you!"

as soon as he peaked inside and saw that witch, Jimin turned his Lukas Chelsea Boots "oh hell nah~!"


you walked inside the mansion with your mood all ruined. taking your shoes off, you walked up the stairs in order to enter your shared bedroom but halted on your steps when you saw your husband leaning on the door frame

his arms were crossed over his chest when his legs were crossed on the ankles

you knitted your brows at him as he stared at you with a mischievous smile on his lips. but you didn't care much about him and was about to walk past him but he pulled you back by your waist

"leave me, Jeon" you held his hand and attempted to take it off only for him to tighten his grip around you

"why so angy, love?" he asks as you look at him weirdly "angy?" he cutely nods at your outlining of his word

"yes, angy. now tell me. why?" you chuckled but held back your smile at his cuteness "I'm not angy, alright. now leave me-" "nope. your face says that you're angy as well as the tone you used to talk to me in the beginning" he acted like a kid

"I'm not, Jungkook. look" you flashed a smile at him which he found adorable as he breaks into a small smile himself. blood rushed through your cheeks when he leaned in and pecked your lips

you bit your lower lip feeling flustered by his actions "J-Jeon" you looked away and he chuckles to himself, not failing to notice you face burning red in shyness

"alright fine, I'm freeing you" he loosens his grip and drops his hand to his side as you step back and was about to step inside but he held your wrist

"what now?" you looked back at him as he smiles and steps forward to cup your face "I'm proud of you" he mumbles causing for you to tilt your head in confusion "for what?"

"you know what" he tells you as you puckered you lower lip, trying to think about what he was talking when the scene of you dumping coffee on his ex came across your mind

he isn't talking about that, you were sure cause according to your knowledge he wasn't there and he doesn't know about it

but you do and you are proud of yourself because of what you did

"because I'm your secretary?" you questioned as soon as you thought about it "yeah because of that but also because" he leans his face closer to you and rubs his nose with yours "you're my wife"

he wrapped his arms around your waist, completely caging you between him and his arms. you lick your lower lip in as you started to feel things. you felt funny in your stomach

"a-alright enough. I need to change. and you, yourself go get freshed. you stink" scrunching your nose, you acted to be disgusted and backed your face away

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