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your hands traveled up to rest your palms on the both side of his shoulders as they gripped them and pulled him away from the hug

it was a little hard but you managed to do so. and the scene that you witnessed wasn't very pleasing. you saw his face scrunched up while salty tears were flowing down his cheeks

your hands went up on their own, proceeding to cup his tear stained face as your thumbs rubbed his tears away

"w-why are you crying?" you questioned as he finally opened his eyes to look at you through his watery vision "thank you" he mumbled making you furrow your brows

"why are you thanking me, sir?" "b-because of you, my company is still in the first, the record which my father maintained for 15 years and trusted me to continue wasn't broken" he said while shredding more tears of happiness

"sit here and drink this water" he did as you said "why don't you go and wash your face?" you suggested making him nod

you watched as he made his way inside the washroom. your lips unknowingly curved into a small smile

"Jungkook?" your head snapped towards the doorway to see Taehyung entering. standing beside you, his eyes furrowed when his eyes travelled around the room to not find the younger one anywhere

"Where's he, y/n?" he finally looked at you as you pointed towards the washroom and there you both saw Jungkook come out

"Jungkook" hearing his name being called, the latter looked up just to be engulfed in a hug by his hyung slash best friend

"I'm so happy" the older patted the back of the younger one and witnessing that scene made you smile once again

they broke the hug and Jungkook kept looking at you as a small also made it's way to his lips

Time skip

it was 8 o'clock at night as you stood in front of the entrance of a specific someone's café

"you came" a manly chirp made it's way to your ears making you look up to see dohyun rushing his way to you. "Tell me what you want to. I have to go home" the smile that he had fell down immediately when he heard that cold voice of yours

"u-uhm.. let's sit and then talk?" he pleaded making you sigh. you sighed before taking a seat as dohyun followed behind and also took his seat in front of you

"what is it?" you got straight to the point "do you want me to make you something-" "dohyun, please" you cut of his offer as he looked at you a sad smile "I hurt you that much?" he asked making you gulp as you looked away before bringing your gaze back on him again

"If you're just gonna waste my time then say so. I don't wanna stay in this suffocating place even for a second-" "y/n, please, don't go. I'm sorry" he apologized as you sat back down again

"So?" you raised an eyebrow at him "I don't know where to start actually.. I'm really sorry, y/n. I hid my and hyejin's relationship from you because she said so" he explained making you look at him in confusion

"I would've said so but she told me not to.. it's her decision and I wanted to respect it. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say" he looked at you with pleading eyes as you looked down at your fingers

"I- erm.. don't know what to say" you tried to find words that could explain your feeling "actually.. this is embarrassing to say but I kinda had feelings for you and getting to know that you are now single made me think I have a chance with you.. also your gestures gave me signals.. I'm sorry-" "you have feelings for me?" he highlighted the only part that caught his mind

"y-yeah- but forget it. I was just hurt thinking that you lied to me while giving me mixed signals, which is not your fault at all. I was just being delusional" a shade of pink spread across your cheeks

"you're saying that you have feelings for me? y/n, i don't know how to tell you this but I do too" your brows crashed together making him realize what he just said as he pressed his lips against each other

"I-I mean, I did too.." he corrected himself while his eyes failed to make eye contact with you. but you were unable to notice that as the thing he just said which made your eyes go a little wide

"l-let's not talk about it now. you're committed to someone else, dohyun. someone that you still love" you forced a smile at him before getting up from your place "wait, y/n. uhm- can we not lose the friendship that we have?" he asked making you bite the bottom lip of yours

"I really don't want to lose you, you're really a great company and a great friend" he stated

you sighed before looking up at him again but now with a little smile on your lips "alright"

and with that being said, you turned around and left the sight of Dohyun's. just as he was admiring your sight, a smirk grew in his lips

"got you back as a friend. now just a little more time until we're finally something more then that"

Time skip

you got out of the bathroom after taking a relaxing bath. you plopped your self on your bed before deciding to go through your socials

you were scrolling through Instagram when suddenly a call came "who's calling me at this hour?" you asked yourself before the notification came down on the top of your phone's screen

"Mr. Jeon?" you read the caller's name before accepting the call "yes, sir?" you answered

"Ms. Euk, I'm sorry to call you at this hour.." "no, sir. there's no problem, it's not even that late actually" you heard a sigh coming from his side making you sit up straight

"what happened, sir? something wrong?" you questioned in worry while the male was quick to deny "no no, there's nothing wrong. it's just that, I want to ask you something but don't know how to" his voice proceeded to be lower at the end as a chuckle left your mouth

"ask me how ever you like, sir" you smiled while waiting for him to ask he wanted to ask. but your smile dropped as soon as he did so

"I wanna take you out tomorrow evening.."


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- Author, Adi <3

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